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Will ross scott do half-life 2 lost cosat

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yep. well. if u know ross may but it when he gets to the part where the antlions are everwhere to teleport to lost cosat then after that he will be at the Voragons place.

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Lost -Coast- was only a tech demo to show off HDR. It was meant for Highway 17, (Or Sandtraps, I'm not sure) but it was cut because it didn't fit. Just because it came out between HL2 and Ep1 doesn't mean it's canon in any way.

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The only problem is (although it's probably just me), there isn't much to make fun of in Lost Coast. The original Half-Life had silly things, things not making sense and, at times, bad level design (and a lot of vent-crawling). Lost Coast makes sense all the time (except for how you got there in the first place, and how you escape).

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Lost -Coast- was only a tech demo to show off HDR. It was meant for Highway 17, (Or Sandtraps, I'm not sure) but it was cut because it didn't fit. Just because it came out between HL2 and Ep1 doesn't mean it's canon in any way.



If you dont believe it play it with developers commentary. And if you played HL2 and EP1, you should have noticed that Lost Coast doesn't fit anywhere between this two games (@Maxbun).


@topic: I don't think Ross will or should do Lost Coast, because it just isn't really part of HL2.

It's been a while since I played it, but there isn't even a real end/exit, right?


edit: ok I just watched it on youtube...there is kind of an end...

Fool me once: Shame on you. Fool me twice: EVERYONE DIES!!!


si·lence (noun): The sound people make, when everyone trying to kill you is dead.

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Lost Coast was made to demonstrate some new technologies Valve had developed for the engine (namely a new Model system, and High-Dynamic Range Lighting) as well as test out Developer commentary.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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This is what I was saying earlier but I guess no one believes the blighterman. :x

Retired Forum Moderator

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I just sat here and laughed repeatedly... So many people just don't know anything about Lost Coast... lol


It was big news that it was a tech demo, I remember the warning saying that you couldn't max the GFX settings without a GTX 7800 or better...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Considering that at the end of Lost Coast, Freeman teleports out of the coast, it would be a great filler in-between the time he steps into the teleporter at Nova Prospect and arrives at Dr. Kleiner's lab one week later. So I say, why not? It makes sense if you look at it


Steps into teleporter at Nova Prospect -> teleports into Lost Coast -> teleports out of the Coast into Kleiner's lab.


It would be a cool thing to see...


edit: but then there's the problem with Alyx... Would she be stuck in a continuity in the mean time? Because if they teleported together, wouldn't she be with him at Lost Coast? :?

"I tell you one thing: I've been to a parallel universe, I've seen time running backwards, I've played pool with planets, and I've given birth to twins, but I never thought in my entire life I'd taste an edible Pot Noodle."

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I agree with what Kaweebo said, let's see if Ross even makes it to Half-Life 2, if he does decide to do it, it'd probably be a 'special' episode.

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If he does it, here's what I think he'll do.


As he's continuing along, he should either crash the Dune Buggy into a pole or enter one of the houses, find a pill bottle and then he should black out. This will appear as a half episode and take place as a sort of dream sequence. Once it's finished, he will wake from his blackout and continue on.

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You know, he could just make an April fools episode or something for this and make it non-cannon and completely unrelated to the main run of the show.

Like, a just for fun thing.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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