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Things that you hate to see in games.

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Slow actions menus, when you have to press a button for it to pop up, and then the controls are so weird that you will have to take that menu up about 3 times before getting what you want. And also, the actions seem to never work, you have to do it again, and they take so long time, it almost seems as it lags. Looking at you ArmA II !

"Life sucks sober!"

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Console specific add-ins. There's not too many instances of this but one that stands out is being able to play as Joker in challenge maps in Batman: Arkham Asylum, but only on PS3. I never understood the point of it, it was free anyway.


Or, in that newish Sega racing game I forget the name of. You could play as Banjo and Kazooie in the X360 version, but not any other. This one makes sense though because Microsoft owns the Banjo Kazooie name. Still, I just don't think it's right to get penalized for only having one of the consoles on a tight budget. Fortunately I have both but I digress. But most of you guys are probably PC centric gamers anyway.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I hate it as well. I mean exclusive games I can somewhat understand. It may sway a person to buy a console. But DLC, no one is gonna buy a Xbox or/over PS3 because it has DLC another console doesn't. Making Bioshock Challenge rooms PS3 exclusive, what is the matter with you 2K >:(


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People who really don't know how to fly jets/choppers but they ALWAYS take a helicopter, wait for like 5 people to get in, and then they crash.. (Battlefield...)

"Life sucks sober!"

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People who really don't know how to fly jets/choppers but they ALWAYS take a helicopter, wait for like 5 people to get in, and then they crash.. (Battlefield...)


Well excuse me princess but there aren't exactly any proper tutorials for shit like this, so how else are they going to learn and get to grind out all those fucking unlocks? That's another pet peeve: When the game has this deathly fear of actually explaining how the mechanics work in the more complicated areas of the game. Rather than just have a few 5-10 minute tutorial options, they opt to get fancy with their teaching. In Battlefield 3's case giving you an entire (fairly shitty from what I know) campaign that just reviews how to shoot and occasionally has you flying a jet or chopper so you can figure things out.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I love you, yet can't stand to know you exist.

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Agree, bad tutorials. I also hate it when games want to throw EVERY SINGLE GAME MECHANIC at you in the first 5minutes. Pacing dammit.


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i hate a bad sniping system. most(most meaning Dues Ex is exempt from this, i don't care about the sniping in that.) games that are combat based i like to snipe in. Take Sniper: ghost warrior, great sniping system; terrible enemy AI ruined the game for me. so yea, if i could find a game that has an awesome sniping system and a great enemy AI i'd buy it in a heartbeat. (and yea, i already own modern warfare 2. also i already played the battlefield games, i didn't like the sniping in it.)

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Cutscenes. Oh GOD how i hate cutscenes. One of the main reasons i could never really get into Red Dead Redemption. You ride 3 miles on a horse, being forced to follow somebody, then you have a skippable cutscene. But after the cutscene, it takes a whole friggin minute for the map to reload!


There is ONE exception to this. That would, of course, be Square's cutscene's. I replayed the final battle in Kingdom Hearts 2 at least 7 times to watch that final scene. They're just gorgeous.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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I mostly play games for story anyway, so when I like cutscenes. But even so, when I played through MGS4 and got about halfway through any cutscene I just keep thinking, "For gods sake hurry up back to the game!"



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Difficulty slopes that look roughly like a brick wall (ARMA II)


Unwanted/needed RPG elements in a FPS.


also i already played the battlefield games, i didn't like the sniping in it


I hate games with the sniping system you talk about, it requires no skill and it turns MP into sniper wars. 100% accuracy with no bullet drop is ridiculous, at least I can play BF3 knowing that most people lack the skills to predict the bullet drop unless I'm at medium range.


Bad combat systems, if I'm going to be doing something for the whole game, at least make it fun.


Grinding. Seriously, fuck that.


RPGs that don't want to be RPGs (Mass Effect 2)


Using C as the crouch button (I don't know why, but this really annoys me for some reason)


Menus that won't let you use the mouse, instead you have to use some weird combination of WASD, shift, tab and the arrow buttons (bad console ports, especially the wreck that was Saint's Row 2).


Lack of the ability to change key bindings.


Pretentious storylines lacking in substance (All old D&D RPG games, with the exception of Daggerfall. Arena's was horrendous)


Fetch quests.


50-60 fov with no option to change (console ports such as "COJ: The Cartel" fit into this category, seriously, the people porting this weren't listening in game design school. PC's require a far different fov due to the distance you are from the screen).


Guns that take up a quarter of your screen, I know this is a coding trick to increase how pretty console games can be, but PC games do not need this.


Screen filters that turn everything into the same colour and remove all variety in the colour scheme (Fallout 3, Fallout: NV, Deus Ex: HR), it's just lazy design.


People who call Deus Ex "Jew Sex" instead of "Day Us Ex", not something I hate in games per say, but this seriously gets on my nerves . :P


I'd say bad MP communities but I'm yet to find a good one, the worst of the worst are games like LoL, WoW, TF2, CoD, BFBC2, CS, CSS etc, basically any FPS or MMO.


MP with shoehorned SP


SP with shoehorned MP


Racism (COJ: The Cartel)


Sexism (COJ: The Cartel)


Female armour in fantasy games.


Realism to the detriment of the gameplay.


Bad aesthetics.






That's all I can think of at the moment :x

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no one told me that the bullet dropped...i thought it was crosshair + head + "X" distance = head shot. i only played Battlefield like 3 times at a buddies house(i should have said i played a Battlefield game.) and eventually i just said fuck the sniping, because i didn't know about any bullet drop, so i switched to a machine gun.


shouldn't have been so quick to judge.


oh, and what i meant was if i could find a game where it counted elevation, movement of the target, spin drift, curvature of the earth, wind, etc. i would pick it up. i love realism in that regard. but going too, too far with realism is a major game breaker for me.

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Yeah, Battlefield simulates realistic bullet ballistics. But if you're looking for a military simulator that allows you to have huge +100 player battles with access to vehicles and huge maps you should check out ARMA II. I dislike it because it just has too many things you're able to do, you'll literally have to use every key on your keyboard to be able to play the game, that's why you won't find it on any console.


If you're looking for semi-realism go for Battlefield 3 or Red Orchestra 2, unfortunately you'll need to have a high end PC to play the former to it's true potential and the latter is a bit of a buggy mess.

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Was just playing Resistance: Fall of Man, which I got for Christmas. I don't think I'll ever play it again, because of the controls.


A: Aiming is awful. For some reason, they thought it was a good idea to make Y camera movement slower than X movement, without any option in that regard. This means, if I want to move the crosshair Southwest, I can't do the logical thing and move the control stick down and to the left, at 45 degrees. I have to instead aim for South-south-west because of the difference in Y and X movement. It feels like I'm controlling the camera with etch-a-sketch knobs...


B: You hold a button to crouch, yet using sights is a toggle. Once again, this can't be changed in the options. WTF?


C: Oh, and the game's visuals have not aged well... there's that too.

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Was just playing Resistance: Fall of Man, which I got for Christmas. I don't think I'll ever play it again, because of the controls.


A: Aiming is awful. For some reason, they thought it was a good idea to make Y camera movement slower than X movement, without any option in that regard. This means, if I want to move the crosshair Southwest, I can't do the logical thing and move the control stick down and to the left, at 45 degrees. I have to instead aim for South-south-west because of the difference in Y and X movement. It feels like I'm controlling the camera with etch-a-sketch knobs...


B: You hold a button to crouch, yet using sights is a toggle. Once again, this can't be changed in the options. WTF?


C: Oh, and the game's visuals have not aged well... there's that too.


It's because it was a PS3 release game. Release games are always bad :P

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I'd say bad MP communities but I'm yet to find a good one, the worst of the worst are games like LoL, WoW, TF2, CoD, BFBC2, CS, CSS etc, basically any FPS or MMO.

Here is a little secret: You will never find one. Seriously there is NO community of anything that hasn't got its fair share of asses.


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