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Things that you hate to see in games.

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Discuss what you hate to see in games. These can range from game mechanics to the story or characters.

Personally I hate games that only let you have one save file or no saves at all.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Effing ninjas man, you never see them coming.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I hate to see glitches/bugs that give advantages to anyone but me.


I also hate to see any error messages.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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-Abuses of Bugs.

-Separate map packs and add-ons that require purchase.

-Too much repetition (where your doing the same thing over and over in the game; there are some exceptions to this if it is really cool to me personally.)

-Bad respawns in Multiplayer.

-Loading Screens.

"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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Vehicles that can magically not be exited until a certain point the level designer decides. This includes stationary turrets. God damn it FEAR 2.


Operating a turret on a vehicle that dumb AI drives.


Die-and-try gameplay, where you have to die your way through a section. Realism is not fun. So stop making situations in games where the player can not possibly predict his/her character's death.


Human end bosses that take a beating equivalent to a giant monstrosity.


Actually, I'll just say vehicles. I hate player-controlled vehicles in games.


Convenience controlled elevators and doors. Seriously, it makes no sense when a previously open door gets locked out of thin air just before a fight. Quake 4 and Dead Space are nasty users of this lazy design. Teach your AI to break through doors, teach your AI to reach the other rooms by other means.


Regenerating health. Not needing to be careful makes me a bored gamer. Chronicles of Riddick did the best health management I have seen to date.


2 weapon limits. I, an amateur gun nut at best, can carry more than 2 guns. Why can't Tank McTankerton or Duke Nukem?


Authoritarian savegame management and complete lack of standardizing. I do not want my savegames to be buried in the deepest depths of the filesystem. I do not want my ability to save my progress to be dictated by a third party client like GfWL. Savegames are not crucial to the operating system or the stability of the universe. I want them to be easily accessible so that I can back them up and/or use them on other installations of the game I play. In other words, stop putting savegames into C:\Users\Bjossi\AppData\Roaming\%publisher%\%game%\Pineapples\Metamorphosis\125325236875603405693408\lol\. For crying out loud decide on an industry standard for savegame and user data locations. Microsoft did not put that Savegames folder into the Users area only for EA to create AppData\Local\EA Games\ for Dead Space savegames and AppData\Local\Electronic Arts\ for Dead Space 2. My Users area is a fucking mess, to put it mildly. And stop telling me when I am allowed to save my progress, GfWL. Being connected to the internet is not necessary to write data to a hard disk drive, optical disk or a solid state drive for that matter.


Protecting NPCs. This would not be so bad if they were better at defending themselves than my grandmother's parakeet and better at strategy than Johnny Bravo. But reality is that the NPCs you have to protect are completely unaware of the player's existence most of the time. They will run blindly into all the scripted ambushes and will experience certain death unless you are either a) ahead of them or b) the NPC in question has died so often and failed your mission that you know through muscle memory where every enemy is spawned.


Checkpoint-only saving. Some of us are busy and may need to leave the computer in a matter of minutes or even seconds, and even more of us do not like to play the same difficult section 7 times over. When a player decides to press quicksave or go to the saving menu it is his/her personal choice. Do not condemn the rest of us to die-rinse-and-repeat annoyances just because a select few players lack the self control to not abuse the quicksave feature. Checkpoints and auto-saves co-existing with manual saving? Fine. Checkpoints and autosaves only? You may have lost a sale from me.

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Voice clips that repeat excessively. Like if you're fighting a boss and every 5 seconds they say one of 3 voice clips. You're ready to tear off your ears by the time you're done with the fight. There are some games that have avoided this problem. Like the Uncharted games, voice clips rarely repeat, and if you die in a section, the scripted voice clips won't always play again if you heard them completely the first time. Red Dead Redemption takes this a step further, and actually plays different voices every time you die.

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Unnecessary "graphic" violence. That's why I don't play GTA and why I never bought MW2, killing civilians does nothing for the gameplay or storyline.

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Voice clips that repeat excessively.

"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter"

Wall Banger.

Unnecessary "graphic" violence. That's why I don't play GTA and why I never bought MW2, killing civilians does nothing for the gameplay or storyline.


I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Lack of challenge.

Lack of secrets.

Lack of Uber-bosses.

The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


"I am drunk, you dont have an excuse"

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If the game is a sequel, I hate to see or read things that contradicts the continuity of the two games (yes, TLJ Dreamfall, I'm looking at you). I also strongly dislike playing games with bad controls, because bad or confusing controls is the one thing that can ruin even the best games for me.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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being forced to repeat a scripted sequence or cutscene which comes before a difficult sequence like a boss, only to die and have to sit there and repeat with little gameplay. Especially bad if dialog is involved, eventually you can repeat the whole scene from memory.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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available cheats before you beat the game on a setting not called, or involving, the word "Easy" in either literal terms or by definition.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Games that try to be UBER realistic. Yes, I know some people like it, but, come on, I play games for fun, not for a real life military simulator.

"Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honour matters! The silence is your answer." -Javik, Mass Effect 3

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Games that try to be UBER realistic. Yes, I know some people like it, but, come on, I play games for fun, not for a real life military simulator.


Amen brother.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Games that try to be UBER realistic. Yes, I know some people like it, but, come on, I play games for fun, not for a real life military simulator.

I agree. I prefer games that are just fun and enjoyable over games that aim too much on realism, hence why I prefer Duke Nukem Forever over Call of Duty/Modern Warfare or whatever you call it nowadays.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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Multiplayer games that try to be unrealistic. (like MW2/Blops, and most FTPFPS)


Games that take great weapon/item balancing and trash it because 3 people said they didn't like losing to someone better than them.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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