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What's Your Zombie Plan?

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  Templenator said:

Me and 3 friends will meet up and ready 4 safehouses.

One is a rather large supermarket, one is a rather secluded cricket club (basically a small stone hut), one is a VERY secluded estate (14 houses, stone walls running ALL the way around) and finally, a boat floating in the middle of the Tyne.

Weapons, we will load up with a shotgun, air rifle and light blades, i.e. long knives.

We won't actively hunt the zombies, as that is a sure-fire way of getting infected, only killing the ones that come near us.

We will rotate between the four safe-houses every few days, making us harder to detect.

We will clearly signpost where we will be on what days, so if anyone stumbles upon an empty safehouse, they can find us easily.


Transport-wise, we will have bicycles for primary transport, as they are silent, can carry a fair amount, and don't need fuel. For when shit hits the fan, we'll grab an APC or tank, as there is a rather large manufacturer of such nearby - we will set one up at each safehouse.

Food, we will gorge ourselves on perishables, and then sustain ourselves on a mix of body fat and canned rations.

Drinks, whatever we can get our mitts on and rainwater.

Sorry for the wall of text, but you DID ask.


By the way, i'm British, so that limits the weapons availible - I can't really raid a gun store, like most Americans plan to.

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  PaladinVargas10 said:
I'd just like to say




Hahaha....look what I (re)found!


My Zombie apocalypse plan (A): Take a truck, my gun (.22cal. Henry Long Rifle), head to Wal-Mart, and load up on salt pork and really preserved foods that expire years later. Then head to the local air port, find the biggest plane and fly across the Rocky's to Minnesota, where I would learn how to talk like a Canadian. After that I would grow out my facial hair, start wearing flannel shirts and suspenders and tell any one that passes by that I am the last lumber jack on earth.


Plan (B): While trying to escape to become a lumber jack, catch the infection and then turn into a zombie.

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My new plan, fool Doctor Whooves into diying to save me so i can have his girl AND his means of transportation.




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The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


"I am drunk, you dont have an excuse"

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Call this man:



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"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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  The Scoutman said:
My new plan, fool Doctor Whooves into diying to save me so i can have his girl AND his means of transportation.




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Jokes on you, I have no girl for you to steal and you don't need to fool me in to killed off. if the time between the first bite and the " change" is long enuf then I think I can take out a good amount of them befor I am overwhelmed by the zed-heads of the infection. Besides if a z-pock really did happen I would be one of the first to die.

non-euclidean fuck machine

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I might post my plan, my real plan, but it'd just blow your mind how prepared I am for any semi-apocalyptic event.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Similar, but with an adult human male, no costume, and several guns.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Hmm. Mine is to find a small office building, like the one my school is in, and stockpile the second floor with everything necessary for survival. (food, water, ammunition, comic books, Sim City 4, pr0nz) Gather up a bunch of friends, and seal off the entrances, after putting an escape vehicle on the loading dock. Improvise remote-detonated explosive devices, and scatter them at strategic points. Build a hydroponic farm on the first floor, and a chicken coop nearby. Once the military starts dying, gather up all of their weapons and mount them on the roof. Monitor radio signals. If they start pulling out, we haul ass.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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Some soldiers would be overwhelmed, I just went for the worst case scenario.

\m/ (^_^) \m/

Rock on.




/ \ This is Bob. Copy and paste Bob and soon he will take over internetz!

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If there is a zombie apocalypse?


What do you mean "if"?


It already happened.


My plan is the same as it has always been:


1. Hide unarmed, because the heavily organized zombies already regulate ownership of weapons.


2. Try to survive by stealing from their captured zombie foodstores for as long as possible without drawing too much attention to myself.


3. Eventually draw too much attention myself.


4. Overdose on stockpile of opiates before inevitably being torn to shreds by the increasingly agitated zombie hordes.

My Little Pointy: Friendship Is Stabbing - http://i.imgur.com/Qz1bx.jpg

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  Username said:
When you see a Zombie apocalypse like in dawn of the dead or zombieland, There's no chance that it'll be contained.

I see no point in fighting endless waves of zombies when you know you'll die eventually.



Thats why you have a fall back position at a gas station. Rig some (well, a lot of) explosives and somehow get up on top of the roof covering the pumps. lure as many zombies to the area as you can. then BOOM! :D I'd rather die in a flash than get eaten/torn apart alive.... and then come back.

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