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First to post on new website and looks great

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Great work on the site everybody! Hope it goes on for a long time.


By the way Ross, You've got a minor typo, the very last word is, 'know', when it should be 'now' No big problem though.

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Site looks great, it's refreshing to see it finally and I hope now you have a few less hurdles to jump over when it comes to the video production.

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Great job, can't wait for more videos (No matter what they are)

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Glad to see the site is finally up. It looks great! Am I the first registered person to comment?

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Finally, your own site! Now remember, quality takes time. The website was definitely worth the wait. Can't wait for new cp and fm episodes! Yet, take your time and make them worth the wait.

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Hell yes, love the new site. Took me a moment to notice your RSS notice so I have another site that Google Reader can't satisfy. But in this case I don't think that's a bad thing.

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No RSS? I'm just going to forget about Civil Protection now. Oh well, was fun while it lasted.

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Rockin, nice to see the new site finally up and running. Bummer about the RSS, but I'll get over it.

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This puts my website to shame. I hope you have no troubles with it.

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Welcome to the new website! If nothing crashes, this is where all future news on Civil Protection and Freeman's Mind will appear from now on. There's a few things here I'd like to go over:



While this page is still a little bare, this will be updated in time as several people are working on transcribing or translating episodes. I plan to support as many subtitles for the series as I'm able.



There is nothing here yet because I've been focusing on getting the next episode finished, but eventually this section will contain scripts, alternate shots, outtakes, some unused music, and anything else extra related to the series.



There will be a delay from when your comments appear due to how the site is set up. I plan to change this so people can register and make comments without needing moderation, but in the meantime bear with us if they're slow to appear.



I'm sorry to say this site does not have RSS functionality yet. I'm aware many of you use this on the old blogspot site and it is something that was planned for this site, however I've been told it will take a long time to code in this future, so I didn't want to delay the launch on account of this. I'm sorry if this is a step down for you compared to the blogspot site, but it won't always be this way. I DO hope to implement this in the future and it will be one of the top priorities for changes to the site.


Finally, the vast majority of the website was created by Mike Southworth and some assistance from Jerry Bramst

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WONDERFUL! Congratulations- this is awesome! It's finally here!

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I love the website wait well worth it ^.^

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Great job with the site. Hope that evrything stays up and running smoothly. Can't wait for the new CP.

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I don't use rss so I'm set. also any preferences on a sitewarming gift? I'm thinking fruit salad tree.

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Beautiful site. I don't know about the other web browsers but it works perfect in FF 3.5

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If you can't do RSS can you set up an email notification? I don't know if that would be easier or not.

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I enjoy your videos. I wish you luck in future enterprises. Oh yah, what a well designed website you have here. Be a real shame if someone ruined it with a poor comment. Perhaps you need protection? HMMM?

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