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A strange yet seemingly possible dream

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Okay, I had this strange dream a while back that was so in depth and so planted in my mind that I just need to post something about it. Here is how it went. Note that this is from my point of view in the dream and I didn't have all the information. Also, this will be summarized quite a bit because of storyline things you may not want to hear.


Late 2011, A flu virus is spread that is known to put people in comas.


Early 2012, Patients of this flu are found waking up, they seem to be suprisingly pale and all around just inactive, there are times where they don't respond to anything, not even pain.


Late 2012, Several reports of patients biting nurses and doctors have emerged. They soon after start developing the virus.


Early 2013, People are starting to call it a zombie virus. It has spread large cities like Los Angeles and New York City.


Mid 2013, The Auto-Immune System plan is proposed, the public doesn't know something like this exists.


Mid 2013, Action Auto-Immune (slightly modified version of first plan) is put into action, fallout shelters are readied, lists of the most intelligent young adults are made along with getting in contact with them to tell them the plan and get them ready, and other miscellanious preperations are made.


November 19th 2013, 75 nuclear ICBMs are launched, the greatest minds are sent to the prepared shelters where they will be safe until the Earth is safe to inhabit. The world had effectively ended.


What I want to know is how plausible it actually would be that this would actually happen.

Hi Friend.

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It is possible, I've had dreams like this and L4D and The Walking dead just keep telling me to be ready... just in case.


It is NOT impossible... That's the only thing we can be sure about.

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Sorry man, Zombifaction by the virus known as solanum takes roughly a day not half a year

But all the same, I should probably start working out...

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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I don't think that any virus could contain enough genetic information to actually control the mental functions of an animal. The idea of a zombie apocalypse seems fundamentally flawed. And even if a virus/bacteria could "control" a human mind, I doubt it would be able to support the human bodies long list of requirements for function.

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The only reasonable/possible explanation(no matter how absurd) would be a virus similar to rabies that destroys brain functions, but at the same time causes the body to decay(sorry, not a scientist, can't say what would cause that to happen. Flesh eating, maybe?) but in that case, the only people to get infected would be the one's who survived an encounter, as I seriously doubt it's possible to "raise the dead" via virus. And I seriously doubt a rabid human being who's chomping on others would have the decency, or brain capabilities, to stop eating before the target dies.


I think that if anything like that did ever get born, as unlikely as it is, it would be short lived and very isolated.


Still, as much as I try to explain the impracticalities, it doesn't change the fact that I have an entire garage full of junk I am ready to rig together in just such an occasion.

Retired Forum Moderator

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For me, it sounds like 28 Days Later + Fallout.


Are you asking about virus itself, or contamination program, or classical government "nuke all zombies" plan?


As much as I like to claim that zombie apocalypse could be fun, I really doubt it's possible.


About virus controlling mind: alphabetagamma have a point.


About nuclear "cleaning": it's absurd. First of all, if you have shelters/vaults, why do you need to poison earth with ungodly amount of radiation for hundreds of years, not speaking of destroying cities, infrastructure etc.? That's why Great Nuclear World War III isn't possible - it's not practical. Infected human beings/zombies without source of energy like food/water/HUMAN FLESH/BRAINS cannot exist longer than 30-45 days. Muscles need energy, and if healthy people are hiding in the vaults, than sooner or later all zombies on the planet will die from starvation. Yeah, that's irony.

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I don't think that any virus could contain enough genetic information to actually control the mental functions of an animal. The idea of a zombie apocalypse seems fundamentally flawed. And even if a virus/bacteria could "control" a human mind, I doubt it would be able to support the human bodies long list of requirements for function.


What about zombie ponies? :thumbup:


...Anyway. I agree with what alphabetagamma said (for once). And if a microorganism could somehow control a human, I think the immune system would have some sort of defense against it.

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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For me, it sounds like 28 Days Later + Fallout.


Are you asking about virus itself, or contamination program, or classical government "nuke all zombies" plan?


As much as I like to claim that zombie apocalypse could be fun, I really doubt it's possible.


About virus controlling mind: alphabetagamma have a point.


About nuclear "cleaning": it's absurd. First of all, if you have shelters/vaults, why do you need to poison earth with ungodly amount of radiation for hundreds of years, not speaking of destroying cities, infrastructure etc.? That's why Great Nuclear World War III isn't possible - it's not practical. Infected human beings/zombies without source of energy like food/water/HUMAN FLESH/BRAINS cannot exist longer than 30-45 days. Muscles need energy, and if healthy people are hiding in the vaults, than sooner or later all zombies on the planet will die from starvation. Yeah, that's irony.


I've never seen 28 Days Later (but now I want to), and I wasn't talking necessarily about the virus in general, but the way all events could come together.

Hi Friend.

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Zombies are very unlikely. I agree with alphabetagamma, as well as all the other people about the zombies and such. That doesn't stop me from having a zombie plan, though. Just in case. :D

"Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honour matters! The silence is your answer." -Javik, Mass Effect 3

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