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Episode update and rant

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Yay for more Freeman!

That crazy bastard stole people's hearts.

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Hi Ross,


I appreciate the time and effort you put into your vids. I'm a big FM fan mainly because of the commentary. It always makes me laugh. I just wish I had 1000 computers to swing the vote again.

It is a good day when you release a new one but the adage good things come to those that wait rings very true here.

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are u going to make freeman's mind until the end of half life 1 or are you going to continue into half life 2

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To all the hate mailers and complainers: **** you all.

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Ross Scott I have a true story for you about people complaining.


People will complain about anything:


There was a used/new clothing store in an area I used to live called "Frenchies". This store used to get clothing from many manufactures with slight imperfections and sell them for about 90% off.


On the 25th year this store had a special "sale". The first $25 worth of clothes bought are free, the most amazing part, if you had 20$ worth of clothes you didn't even have to spend a penny. (The owner was a pretty amazing person.)


Well a women comes up to the cash, and the cashier starts ringing her in; During the transaction one of the sport coats came up to $5 the women shopper asked the cashier how much that was again. The cashier answered her and told the women it was 5 dollars. The women said she wouldn't take it for that price. The cashier said her total even with the jacket was only 22$ so it was free. The women refused...She said it was a ridiculous price and there was no way it's worth 5$.


The cashier tried to tell her again, "but it's free Ma'am." The women wouldn't budge; she said she doesn't want it and that "...this store is a rip off." The women walked off with her free clothing, except for the sports coat of course...

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I know this is a random question... but do you have any pictures of yourself on the internet? It would be cool to see what you look like.

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Well, Ross, seeing as how a lot of your fans really support you, don't care about how long production takes, and hate the hate mail with you, I'd say you're in a pretty good spot. You've got a good group of patient fans waiting, all posting their support here. As for the hate-mailers, I'm sure they've never even thought to come to this site (or heard of it for that matter). Maybe so they understand the process a little better, you should record yourself doing some of the animation. Then they might calm down.


(also, in response to tourettes, I'd kinda like to know what you look like, too. I always picture you looking like Gordon Freeman)

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Who dares to bitch at what comes for free from fans!!! It's ready when it's ready.

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Ive watched FM and CP since they came out and they are dam close to the best machinima's Ive ever seen. Dont worry if you take to long. Id rather have 10 really interesting videos in a year that 37 crappy ones. Just ignore every one whos bitching and worry about your work.



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Wow,You're getting a bunch of fans...Who cant wait for further Productions..


BTW Is there any news about the new website???


Thanks,Take Care Ross!!!

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I don't care how long I have to wait. As long as its funny, it's good. Thank you.

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No one makes them like you do, Ross. Take as much time as you require and remember, we all appriciate what your doing.


Keep going strong, Ross. We can wait.

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I'd certainly like to see the next CP episode and it wouldn't make much sense to start the next FM episode when you're relatively close to completing the former. Take your time, most of us prefer quality over quantity.

(Incidentally, my vote for finishing the next CP episode set the results to EXACTLY 45% (1843 votes) for both options, the other 10% going to the third option. How bizarre is that?)

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Awesome to read all those great comments!


Just take your time Ross... we'll be here.

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Hate Mail from the audience, that sux. People need to understand that we're lucky he's making anything, theres definetly no reason to be pestering him. Not only is he not getting paid to do this, he's spending his own valuble time to let us view his work. So calm down and stop the pestering or w/e.

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Mr. Scott, Do you have another job other than making machinimas?

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Mr. Scott has something to do with a university on the east coast (I do not want to say it because I wouldn't know if he would like me to). Whether he is a student or professor, understand that he is busy. You never know what people on the internet do in their real life.

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Here's a list of questions for Ross Scott:


Do you have a facebook?


what game consol do you use for Freemans Mind and or Civil Protection


If you use an XBOX 360 and have Xbox live please tell me your gamertag. My yahoo address is [email protected]



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