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Episode update and rant

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Don't think much about FM fans, ur first project was CP, so it should be the MAIN project. FM is good, but its in no way better, than CP.

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Personally I think that CP and FM both offer something different, and neither one is "better". I would not chose either of them over the other.

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I just realized I wasn't very clear in the last part of my comment. What I meant was that I wouldn't choose either to be prioritized over the other. I think you should finish the CP episode before making another FM.

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I think it's outrageous that viewers would complain about the time it takes to make an episode.


To those people: why don't you try writing, animating and voicing a hilarious piece of machinima and see how much hard work and dedication it takes? You're getting it for nothing, you have no right to be bitchy to Ross. What are you trying to do? Piss him off so much that he abandons it because in return for his great work all he gets is crap?


Ross, you're doing an awesome job, and from many of these comments, be assured that your fans are not all ungrateful little shits. It'll take as long as it takes.

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That really depresses me that you get hate mail. You're doing a great job and doing it for free.


Do you have any way to accept donations, this has inspired me to give you one if possible.


Either email me on [email protected] or just put a new blog post up about donations if you sort something out.

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Thanks for the news Ross =)

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He is providing funny content without demanding anything in return. Unless a fee comes up he can take all the time he wants to make his videos. I'm looking forward to new episodes of Freeman's Mind and Civil Protection, but I can wait a number of weeks patiently. When Ross Scott says its done, its done.

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Dude, take your time. There's no rush.

But I had a thought when you said you wanted to hire someone for the source engine. Why don't you set up a donation thing.

I bet loads of people would be winning to give you some money to help you with these awesome videos of yours.

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Well Ross, concerning the hate mail, I have a suggestion. You could have 2 email adresses (I wouldn't be surprised if you already had 2 email adresses). One for all the crap you get, and one for anything worthwile. It can be a very effective method for avoiding any mail you don't want to get. And if you keep getting hate mail, just remember that the people who send it can't think of a good idea to save their life. You have the skill to make an awesome series, and they lack the creativity to make anything as professional as you do. Plus, if they're not going to help make it go faster, then they have no right to complain. Anyway, keep up the good work on both CP and FM.


(also, I really hope you're able to add a storyline to the episodes of CP. The screenshot alone looked awesome)

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Forget the neighbors! let them suffer! lol jk take your time because I would rather wait an extra week for a good episode of FM than a real crappy episode of FM

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Ross, I would be glad to help you in the Source SDK bits of animating. Give me a ringading sometime if you want me to do some faceposing and hammering (lol)

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hay i think when black mesa:s comes out you try fm in that

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Patience is your friend!!!!

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BMS will not be for a year or 2 i heard from a friend that its 70% done witch im guessing another 12 months

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You should stop production, and hate-mail back, the hate-mailers.


Now, talking serious. You do not owe this to any one. Take your time, and don't forget to keep those amazing ideas you talk about noted somewhere.


sorry for any mistakes in the spelling. Portuguese fan!

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Dude, no stress ;D dont let those haters influence you, those people arnt fans of your work! the focus on FM sounds n1ce, and i hope you have as much fun as we have watching your episodes xP

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These guys are right, quality over quantity. That's starting to get me worried about L4D2, it hasn't been a year since the first game's release. So are things coming along good? I know that modeling and that type of sh*t is probably hard. Well, I just wanted to say thanks for replying to my comment. So forming a story may have to weight, maybe after FM? I've looked and it seems you have about 15 more episodes to go. I don't want to seem impatient, but just a thought. Well, good luck w/ CP and FM. Have a great summer! W00T

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Take all the time you need, man, it always ends up being worth the wait.

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Geez! People actually sending hate mail for FREE entertainment? Since when did CP and FM become constitutional rights?


Keep up the good work! You always end up doing a good job. Don't worry about quick release. Do what you got to do to make it correctly.

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"Geez! People actually sending hate mail for FREE entertainment? Since when did CP and FM become constitutional rights?"


When some machinimimas created scheduled release. And by some, I mean RvB. Not that I mind, it's just that a lot of people think that if one good machinima episode can be done in a week or two, then an even better one can be done in less time *cough*logicfail*cough*.

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