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Episode update and rant

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Next episode details:

Well even though the poll seems to be changing now, within the first couple days most people voted for me to finish Civil Protection first, so that's what I've been doing. In breaking my usual trend, I'm releasing a few details about the next episode. They're not a lot, but for an episode that's only a few minutes long, I can't reveal too much without spoiling things. I'm probably going to call this next episode "Morning Patrol". It'll be about average length, take place in City 17, and you'll get to see a little bit more of the HL2 world in it. It's definitely not one of my more spectacular episode ideas, but I think it's the most well-rounded one I've produced so far. Here's a preview shot of it:



If you're a fan of other CP episodes, I think it's very likely you'll enjoy this next one. While I'm extremely happy with how it's coming out, I don't want people to think it's going to be most magnificent episode that's ever been produced. It has been a long time since the last episode, but I've been working on many other things besides Civil Protection.




I get a fair chunk of hate mail from people who are angry at me for not producing episodes faster. Most of these people don't seem to possess any sense of perspective or logic, but for those that do, I'd like to elaborate a little more on this. The biggest barrier to me producing more episodes of Civil Protection is animation time. While sometimes I don't mind, much of the time I HATE animating. While I have been getting some help, that's been a mixed bag. Pretty much everyone who assists with animation right now prefers to work or only has time to work on one aspect of production. While this has undeniably increased the quality of the episodes being produced in areas, it's questionable how much time savings there have been. This is to say nothing of people who for different reasons, have had to abandon work on episodes. The past episode and the one I'm currently working on were both written in such a way to make it easy for additional animators to help out. In both cases, multiple people bailed and I ended up filling in a lot of the gaps for animation. I never would have started this particular episode idea next if I had known that was going to happen.


Believe it or not, I get more frustrated than anyone else that I can't produce episodes faster. I'm overflowing with ideas and am totally confident I haven't gotten to the best ones yet. I sincerely wish I could afford to hire someone to help me animate in the Source engine. I would LOVE to unload almost all aspects of animating the episodes to someone else or other people; though I haven't come across anyone who can animate in the programs Face Poser and Hammer and has the same time and drive to devote to it. I can't blame anyone for not wanting to either, I hate that aspect of it myself.



For fans of Freeman's Mind:

I promise the production rate will pick up a lot as soon as the next CP episode is done. Some of you may recall I promised an increase in episode production late last year and that actually did happen. They have still been relatively few and far between because Freeman's Mind hasn't been my main focus. However since far more people have become interested in it than I would have anticipated, I plan to make that my new priority soon. In addition to devoting more time towards it, I'm planning to move soon to where I can record at any time without disturbing people. Right now I can only record during certain windows of time without disturbing my neighbors, which limits how fast I can produce episodes. I know many of you may not believe me, but I can promise the production rate is going to become much, much faster than for FM than ever before.

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You should take your time, it's not about quantity. It's about quality, and all of your stuff has been at the utmost quality.


Although if FM is easier to make, then I don't mind. Since I love both FM and CP.

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I can't wait for the next Civil Protection or Freema'ns Mind! Their both so deliciously awesome that it makes my mouth froth with anticipation.

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Whoops, forgot to finish my last comment.



-that it makes my mouth froth with anticipation thinking about how spectacular they're going to be. Keep up the good work.


And I meant Freeman's. Not Freema'ns.

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Well said.


Really looking forward for the next CP episode, just re-watched all the episodes and had a good laugh, thank you.

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Ross you are doing an awesome job and take as long as you need to achieve the production value you are striving for.


To all the hate mailers and complainers, here's an idea. If you really feel the need to complain about how long an episode is taking you must first donate at least 5$ to Ross. If you aren't willing to spend that 5$ then you aren't allowed to contact him with your negative vibes. This will either reduce the amount of lame messages or, at least, make Ross a bit of needed cash. Any takers, hopefully not.


(I realize that nobody will actually do this but it is still something for all the cry babies to think about)

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Ben: Actually that's a big part of the reason I don't ask for donations. Considering how mad some people get now, I can only imagine how angry people would be if they had money invested.

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Im sure theres many people out there who would do the animating for you for free, if i were you id talk to people who are working on big mods like Black Mesa or Opposing Force 2, im sure they know animators.

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That is pretty ridiculous that people actually complain. You do good work, and it does suck that you don't have a lot of help. If there was a way for you to get the word out that you need help, I'm sure there would be plenty of people, (assuming they aren't posers and lack a life thereof) who would help you out. Keep up the good work, and get it done whenever you get it done!

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Hey Ross don't let the whining assholes get to you. They have no right to be pissed because you're taking too long for them. I say all of you impatient cockroaches who can't wait for something quality that is FREE need to go to hell. Make your own FM if you can't wait, just don't post it on youtube cuz it will suck!


Take your time Ross.

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I love you Ross.


I can't believe you have to put up with that shit. I really thought your fans weren't all retards.


Ugh. You need more "happy" mail.


I would help if I knew about the source engine lol.


GAH! Stupid people!

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And so begins the spamming of Ross with a buch of love mail...


In all serieousness though, you do great work. And to do it for people who can be a bit ungrateful at times is really big of you. Keep it up!

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I agree with what WJUK says, quality over quantity. I've noticed this in the music industry too; many of the good musicians take about 3 years per album, whereas crappy ones take far far less time. I'm MUCH happier with the 3 CDs I have of my favorite artist being what they are, than having 10 crappy ones.


That is odd about the poll, how it's flipped around the past few days.


PS - I like the screenshot!!!

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MAN! I am pretty mad I don't know much about the Source engine. I would help in any way, but I'm afraid I don't know much. Well I'm very excited for the new CP episode! I like the idea of forming a story in the episodes. It would be something like Red vs Blue (And I'm not a Halo player) That's a pretty funny series too. Oh yeah, I found some pills Let me just take a handful, then I can own all teh zombies *takes pills, starts foaming at mouth* *drops dead*

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Funny that people would be angry at you for taking forever when you are one guy working on every aspect of the episodes mostly on your own.

I've tried making levels in source before, and put many hours of work into designing alone, then working on triggers, and my materials didn't come out great in the end because I have had no help by anyone specializing in any particular area. You produce great quality videos and do most of it on your own, it shouldn't come as a surprise to people that it takes months to do one episode.


Keep up the good work, patience is a virtue.

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I've honestly never really gotten into Civil Protection but you talking about the production of the episode and then providing small previews has piqued my interest and I think I will check out this episode when it is released. Perhaps other people also feel that more previews, screen caps, etc would be nice?

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Hate mail? I'm not sure if they've thought it through. I'm tried animating before, I quit pretty quickly, then again, I would probably be more devoted to machinima as it's a passion of mine. Either way they should be thanking you, after all you don't need to do it in the first place. Can't wait to see your future Ideas.


There's my rant,

Zac 117

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Nice to see that your are doing more material of the main characters in their normal setting (if that is what it's going to be).


By the way, if you wan't I can e-mail all of those complainers and tell the to #¤/?!#¤%. I mean you are going totally free and high quality entertainment and the have the nerv to be complaining. There are three kind of people in this world; the good, the evil and those who don't know any better.

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Hello. Ross I wish I could help , I am a bit familiar with animation from Blender 3d, 3ds max , poser etc


but I have no experience with Hammer or source engine


Maybe someday I will be able to get the 100 $ worht of your tutorials from NOESIS and then would be glad to help.



Ross, since you have 2 tutorials DVD, is there a way you can publish 10-15 mins worth of tutorials to help us help you

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I can't believe people actually send you hate mail about production times...what a pack of idiots! Anyway don't let them get you down, just know that for every moron that send you hate mail you have about 50 fans who actually appreciate what you do, enjoy what you do, understand that it takes time, and actually have cognitive capacity comparable to a human being and not a summer squash! Keep up the good work (no matter how long it takes )

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