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Yes, Freeman's Mind is amazing. But I really miss Civil Protection. So I voted for that one.

I'm glad, you have your problem solved.

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AK 47: Alright, I'll put you down too, go ahead and email me me

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Heh, can't help but save the little guy, eh?

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I like FM better but if you are 70% then you might as well get the new CP done.

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I believe there is three different ways you can solve this bug.


#1. Attempt to merge X number of props into a larger model to decrease the prop count. It's pain but it might help the problem.


#2. Clean up unnecessary files. Something about the Log's such as Game Log etc.


#3. Always the simplest way but isn't always helpful, get more RAM or memory.

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I was only somewhat interested in Civil Protection. As it's seemingly more drawn out in humor then the reactionary Freeman, but after I finally saw the Halloween episode, I have a well seated fondness for the duo.


I really hope you consider the mindset you were in that episode when you do additional ones and speed up the storylines. It was hysterical to have one of them suggest how not to make napalm.

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I like Civil Protection and Freeman's mind about equally. Freeman's mind is nice because you can produce a lot more material in the same amount of time. On the other hand, there hasn't been a Civil Protection for a long time, and if you are 70% done I would say you should work on Civil Protection.

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I like pressing buttons.


Especially on your polls, Ross <3

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Mick: I feel the pain, I have so many ideas for the series, it drives me nuts I can't produce the episodes faster than I do.


Anonymous guy: I solved it via converting them to static models and more RAM wouldn't help if it's not utilizing what I have in the first place.


LKD: I hope to have a real variety in the series. I tend to prefer ones where the storyline develops, but I realize much of my audience is a little more ADD oriented. I just wish I had means of producing episodes faster so people could see the full range.

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I voted for you to finish the CP episode. I *love* Freeman's Mind and Civil Protection both, and though I find FM more funny, there hasn't been a new CP episode out in a long while, and they're really funny, in a different sort of way.


Any episode that's a long episode is a great episode.


But I still like pressing buttons.

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At this point I would rather have you finish the CP episode than take on a new project again. I don't want to see this episode get bumped again.

Even though we all love FM, CP definately has priority.

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i love C.P. and F.M. me and my mate went round for months saying lines from the first C.P. like "i am ninja" "wooping crain wooop wooop wooop""i am mighty tigar" "do not mock the ninja" just for shits and giggles. anyway keep up the good work i haope u keep freemans mind going in to half-life2 maby even HL3 when it eventuly comes out. id love to see u do something simular with portal (maby get a woman to do the voice though lol). anyway thanks and keep up the good work =)

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I don't want to be a jerk. But, if Freeman's Mind only needs little work (write the script) then maybe just do that. Get that out of the way so at least people will stop complaining. Well, you do what you want to do! I'm excited for the new episode, but a new Freeman's Mind would be cool to. I realize your busy, so I'll just shut up. Oh yeah, I forgot... I LIKE PUSHING BUTTONS!

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hey wheres the poll option for the piolet episode?

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i wonder how many people will actually choose the third option, lawl. Anyways, i vote FM. I mean, it inspired two other people to give it a shot, plus they're making it WAY faster than you. And P.S. if you're going to switch gears then just do it. Maybe you'll come up with a last minute idea for CP while doing FM.

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mookae is right. FM is tha shit. It's the reason I watched your other shows. Whatever you decide to do though I respect your decision. I enjoy your humor.

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Hi Ross.


I know you have already fixed your problem with prop_static but since you said you don't like it, then I will tell you an easy fix for the RSO.


This error happens if there are too many objects on screen at a time.

One way to fix it is to start recording before you spawn the props, if they are already in the map then you can put in a button to spawn the props when you press it. If you still get an RSO then you will need to spawn less at a time.


The second solution (It doesn't always work, but it's worth a try) is to have a separate room that you spawn in with a teleporter that takes you to the main part of the map where the objects are. Start the recording then when you go through the teleporter, duck and look at the ground so you are not rendering the objects then slowly look up.


For an example of the first one (At least it crashes on my computer) search garrysmod.org for "phys_temple".

If you try recording while the temple is standing you will RSO, but if you smash down the building so non of the objects exist then start recording and press the button to respawn the buildings, you won't RSO.


Hope this helped, looking forward to that CP episode.

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Ah, Good old RSO. We garrysmod people know it well.

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With the poll: as much as I want another Freeman's Mind You might as well finish CP. I'd rather wait for a good episode (of CP and FM) than have it come out more soon.

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