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I totally prefer Freeman's mind than Civil Protection. To be honest I think that it would be a good idea to stick to the original Half-Life 1. Nice series.

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phoenix: I use Subtitle Workshop, though I think we may have enough volunteers since I made that post.


Katana: Mainly stuff that depresses me. Spelling "because" "becuause", using multiple explanation points !!!! on a frequent basis, spelling "the" as "teh" (multiple times, not just as a typo), using periods instead of question marks or exclamation points, having some lines appear for half a second, making them difficult to follow, having some lines about 3 seconds too late, stuff like that.


Anonymous: I wasn't really planning anything that sophisticated, but apparently a lot more goes into the website than I understand. I can't really criticize the guy working on it, I mean look how long it takes me to make CP episodes.


Anonymous: Yes, the new website will have the ability to locate all versions of all videos easily, support subtitles, and have extras on it, like alternate takes from episodes, some audio outtakes, scripts, and some music tracks.

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Any chance of a small "bonus" episode on release of the black mesa mod?

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Ross, in this comment section people are able to ask you questions that they have about your production and so on. Will there be a place at the new website where people can ask you questions?

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Haha,love the updates...


You should do some ''behind the scenes'' footage of FM and CP , saying you're alternativeideas for the monologue of FM,that would be awesome...



You know we're going to be always plasured to see your series


(Sorry about my poor crap english,im from Costa Rica and here we talk spanish,I understand english pretty good but I suck speaking to people...)

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I wouldn't worry much about Civil Protection and Freeman's mind. There both two of the most popular HL machinimas out there. And you've got a huge fanbase that would kill to watch a new episode of CP or FM (guilty as charged) And you've got really good comedy writing skills. So I wouldn't be to worried.

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I can make Korean subtitles for CPs and FMs!

To Ross and people who make english subtitles: Thank you very much!!!

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Well whatever you do im sure your fans will love it. Freeman's mind and CP are amazing you have talent.

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people should like give you donations through all the work u do... like RvB... so you could make a living off of this stuff

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i played half life and finished the game and that is F ing long game...by the way u do ur episodes it will probably be up to 100 episodes to finish the first game...keep up the awsome work couse i dont think people will get tired of this

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I do not know whether you read those comments or not but I could write some subtitles to this machinima. English and Polish. But I need some word from you, just say: yes do it, because I don't want to waste my time, if you are not interested.

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about the edit in language subtitles i can translate it into swedish but i guess the jokes would be lost in the translation

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Hey Scott. Two guys are making a Barneys Mind (Blue Shift) and Shepards Mind (Opposing Force). Check em out on YT.

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One quesion Ross. Do you think it'll be hard to survive the later chapters like On a rail or Interloper?

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It's great to get an update! Good luck on that website and take all the time you need to do other episode because it is always better if it's all well organised!


Keep up the wonderful work!

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Hey Ross.

I was wondering, are you going to take advantage of Youtube's HD feature?

If you don't know how to use it, just set your resolution to 1280X720. That will give you HD Wide-screen movies.

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Uh, it's been a while now. Seriously, the guy that does Unforgotten Realms works faster than you, then again he gets paid for his time... Anyway, how about an update, that way we know that you haven't completely botched the project altogether.

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translators: I'm not really ready for managing translated copies yet, I'll make an announcement when I am. I could maybe use one or two more people interested in doing English subtitles hhowever


ultradude25: All widescreen videos were submitted to YT before they supported HD or widescreen. New widescreen videos I make should hopefully support it.

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I think u should stop making civil and make more freemans. fm > cp

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do NOT for the love of god stop the fremans mind thing the only thing i find funnyer than it is the yu gi oh abriged so keep it up dude and remember we are all here for you dude

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