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Since I'm getting comments daily on the topic, here's what's going on with the videos.  I've finished all the dialogue for Episode 11 and it's going to be the longest FM episode so far.  I'm now letting Otto Beumelburg handle the rest of the audio work on it.  He adds most of the extra sound effects to FM and I'm hoping he'll take over the volume balancing on it.  That sounds like a simple task, but it takes a while to do properly and it's important because if it's done wrong you won't be able to make out what's being said over all the regular sounds.  I'm letting him take as much time as he needs to, plus there's a delay from when the video's done to when it's uploaded and available, so it will be a little while before it's up, hopefully sometime next week, but we'll see.

In the meantime, I'll be working on the next CP episode and plan to be relentless at it.  I tend to go back and forth between wanting to make something more original and wanting to simply get a video out.  Since I've been making more of the FM episodes lately, I'm really anxious to get back to work on CP.  Once the next CP episode is done, I'll make the pilot episode for the surprise series I mentioned earlier, though that shouldn't be as difficult as most CP episodes.


The new FM episode will be out soon.  Also I don't know why it's showing so many comments deleted.  The only posts I've been deleting lately are duplicates.  I think they might be being deleted by the person who orginally posted them.

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Yay, can't wait for the next CP. This is the long scary one, right? Wonder what the pilot episode will be...still keeping us in the dark.

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I hope everything goes well Ross!

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Maybe you should think about starting up a podcast.

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Cant wait!


FM is the best out there imo

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Ross, you are the man! FM and CP are hilariously insightful, so I'm excited to see your new series! Don't even worry about the time, just keep making them as well as you have been!

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Dont need to tell me how hard audio and video work is.


To be honest im amazed how fast you make episodes.

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Longest episode so far? Im pleased to hear that. I'm already looking forward to it.

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Who plays Dave's voice in Civil Protection?


Will he be returning for the new episode?

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I have to say, I really like CP but Freeman's Mind episodes coming out so fast was really nice...

Although I guess a New CP is a bit overdue... Anyway they're both awesome

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Hey, awesome episodes of FM again.

Ross, do you mind doing a poll on the main page about what people like most: "Freeman's Mind" or "Civil Protection"?

That would be pretty interesting.

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Great! Now I can sleep at night knowing I reminded you to work on it. :P


Can't wait for all this new content. It's like the new Left 4 Dead patch, only better.

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Hey man sounds good will there be a one with subtitles?

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Great! It always cheers me up when I get to watch a knee-slapping installment of Freemans Mind!


Keep up the excellent work Ross.


Cheers, Travis.

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I'm glad you're still working on all your projects and all. Just remember that I spend most of my time refreshing the blog waiting for an update, so don't disappoint, lol.

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it would be great to see a new CP episode


BUt i love FM


Work your best on CP put all of your time into it and get a nice episode out

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Hey Ross, I have a brilliant idea! In a CP episode, you should have them meet Gordon! Like: "In a world with Civil Protection and Freeman's Mind...We would have...Civil Mind or Freeman's Protection."

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Kerensky The Red: No, it's not, but that's the one I have planned for after this one.


Anonymous: I promise you the next CP episode will not be crap. In fact, I'll go so far to say that anyone who's a fan of the series will find something they like in the next one. Now I'm afraid it won't be completely mind-blowing to justify the long delay (that's more related to other stuff I was doing instead of CP), but I think people will be pretty happy with it.

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just put your best into cp we will like it no matter what

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