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Ever had any moments that just enraged you whilst you were gaming? Post 'em here.


I was playing some Halo: Custom Edition on the Modacity Blood gulch server (man, I remember when they were H2Vista.net), I got a running riot and was about to get a double kill with a grenade on top of red base, when all of a sudden I got the dreaded Exception! box. Needless to say, I was angry (vista never ceases to fail me).

100 percent average every time, all the time.

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any time that a final boss can't be killed directly

I always hit them up a ton of damage before realizing that he couldn't have survived that much.

Then turns out damage heals him or I need to activate some idiotic cinematic trigger or something.

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I had one yesterday on Dragon Age Origins. Ever since people complained about the autosave on KoToR happening too often, Bioware has scaled it back in their games. I played for a solid 2+ hours then died in a random encounter out of nowhere, I hadn't manually saved during any of that time. Mostly my fault, but nonetheless, I turned off the game after that.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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When I play like 3 straight hours HL: Source and I die and my game didn't save because autosave wasn't enabled...

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Left 4 Dead 2, Realism Expert, No Mercy second section, I'm the only one left, after the panic event, I get upstairs, close the door, kill a Spitter and Hunter (I find it easier to skeet them in the first one than the second one), I go down the stairs, pass the witch, past the mob, go outside JUST TO GET PULLED BY THE SMOKER!


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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okay i was playing GTA IV, i was on a boat within a sniper's rifle distance to the shore with a 6 star wanted level, i was shooting down helicopters and sniping officers trying to get me from the shore (getting ammo and health from cheats). I had to have shot down like 13 choppers and killed dozens of officers when i shot an RPG at a helicopter, the projectile angled itself to make the helicopter crash land into my boat and sent me flying through the air on fire. it was one of my greatest deaths.

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Every time a game crashes without autosaving.

The last FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU moment was when I was playing NFS:Hot Pursuit and as I was just about to knock the last racer off the road with my police lambo...the game froze and the colors went all wacky like...FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

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well seeing the flaming chopper hurtling towards me definately was a FUUUUU- moment.

the funny part was i tried to hit it with the rpg again while it was falling to vear it off course but i missed. so yeah two FUUUUUU- moments.

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I remember I was playing Half life 2 trying to get the zombie chopper achievment. I quick saved every 30 seconds so I wouldn't loose anything, but I saw a supply crate about 3/4s through and went "Herp derp I'll use mah crowbar" saved five seconds later. As soon as a realized what I'd done, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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Half Life 2. When you're in the in the tower in city 17 where you're surrounded by the combine coming from 4 locations. That was my FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MOMENT

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When I realized my hard drive had crashed, with no backup. I didn't exactly go FFFFUUUU. I screamed then started crying.

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>Buy Red Faction 2 on steam.

>Needs retail CD to play.

>Quit Steam.


R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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Red Faction 1 was better than 2 imo. Nothing to do with the actually storyline whatsoever.

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Angry Birds.

- Nearly completed really hard level.

- One more bird left.

- One more pig is left and is in plain view and can be taken down directly.

- Miss.

- Rage.


Super Meat Boy

- Nearly complete evilly difficult level.

- Hit spike that's right next to Bandage Girl (the end of the level).

- Die.

- Rage.

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