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That game you hate that everyone else loves.

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Any MOBA games (DOTA 2, LOL etc.) - I never liked the gameplay style of MOBA, it felt like a chore for me. Another reason why i don't like MOBA games is because the DOTA 2 and LOL community here in the Philippines is rather toxic, you'll just end up being pissed at them.


The toxicity of their communities is world wide, even Riot has gone to a very long length to stop how bad the LOL community is and is still not even close to fixing it.



I agree all MOBA communities across the world are horrible, but the dota 2 SEA servers are the worst by orders of magnitude, i can only imagine it's the same for League of Legends.



OT: R6 Siege. It's probably a good game actually, i'm just salty and bitter because i still want a legit R6 (By which i basically mean a new Raven Shield)

Siegreiche Schlacht, du blutschöne Maid!

Küss mich zum Ruhm, sei mein Geleit!

Siegreiche Schlacht, du blutgeiles Biest!

Der Tod ist dein Meister aus Stahl!

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I agree all MOBA communities across the world are horrible, but the dota 2 SEA servers are the worst by orders of magnitude, i can only imagine it's the same for League of Legends.

I can relate with you there, and I've seen it from behind the keyboard/mouse a few times.

Welp, now what?

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Silent Hill 2. It isn't fun, or scary in any way. I find myself treating the game more like a chore than anything else. Oh, and the puzzles fucking suck.

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I agree all MOBA communities across the world are horrible, but the dota 2 SEA servers are the worst by orders of magnitude, i can only imagine it's the same for League of Legends.

I can relate with you there, and I've seen it from behind the keyboard/mouse a few times.

Whenever I began a League game I'd just mute all, out of principle. Sometimes if I was feeling saucy I'd pull some shit in game on the toxic person (who was almost ALWAYS Udyr), but I was usually just there to try and make Kassadin work (he doesn't.)



Dark Souls 2 is my game. Totally uninspired design, really clunky gameplay, breaking shit that worked in Dark Souls 1, and reusing the Bell Gargoyles and Ornstein in the absolute textbook definition of "I just don't care anymore." What a colossal waste of my time. The most disappointing thing I've ever laid down the green for.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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Bad company 2.

Now, while i do like its vietnam expansion, bad company 2 itself is just so bad. Its campaign is uninteresting and unoriginal, characters arent even remotely interesting and it feels so floaty.

I have tried to like it few times, but every single time i give up in exactly same spot because it has been just so boring.

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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Whilst I don't hate them (I'd much rather love them!) I've not genuinely enjoyed playing anything Metal Gear Solid related since the third game in the franchise. And as much as it pains me to say it I think those first three are just a chore to play now. MGS4 had a marvellous narrative, a bizarrely appealing cast and was chock full of shadowy technophobic concepts that I found really appealing - it's only a pity that the first two chapters are actually remotely like it's "sneak em' up" predecessors. The cutscene-to-gameplay ratio was taken to a mind boggling extreme, and Mr. Konami already had a reputation for pushing it. I know Konami has a loyal fanbase and those who won't hear anything negative about him without taking umbrage, but I sometimes think he ended up working with the wrong medium entirely. Now if the Metal Gear Solid franchise had been a TV or film series, I'd have no complaints whatsoever.

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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Silent Hill 2. It isn't fun, or scary in any way. I find myself treating the game more like a chore than anything else. Oh, and the puzzles fucking suck.


I think for it's time it would've been good but it hasn't aged well.

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Half-Life 2.


I have trouble expressing why I dislike this game. It's just strangely uncompelling for me. Around the time I got to control a squad and assault the Combine fortress, I had lost all interest and motivation for moving on. I don't know why but the game is just incredibly uninvesting. There is just something about Half-Life 2 that feels like a stepback from Half-Life 1 which I absolutely loved alongside Opposing Force. The Gravity Gun being the only interesting weapon and the lack of brutal gibs like in Half-Life 1 may factor into it, but not that much. I guess since I wasn't exactly a gaming fan during the time it was released, I may not realize the full impact it had on the industry, but I would never really want to play through it again.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

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Bioshock. I am with Ross on this one.


Also, XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within (the modern remake). Every good thing in that game seems to be balanced with something stupid, or just plain wrong. It made me angry like no other in recent memory, mostly because of wasted potential.

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Half-Life 2.


I have trouble expressing why I dislike this game. It's just strangely uncompelling for me. Around the time I got to control a squad and assault the Combine fortress, I had lost all interest and motivation for moving on. I don't know why but the game is just incredibly uninvesting. There is just something about Half-Life 2 that feels like a stepback from Half-Life 1 which I absolutely loved alongside Opposing Force. The Gravity Gun being the only interesting weapon and the lack of brutal gibs like in Half-Life 1 may factor into it, but not that much. I guess since I wasn't exactly a gaming fan during the time it was released, I may not realize the full impact it had on the industry, but I would never really want to play through it again.

You really should give the SMOD version of it a try... It's a pain to install as it's for the original version of the game, but it really improves it a LOT.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Whilst I don't hate them (I'd much rather love them!) I've not genuinely enjoyed playing anything Metal Gear Solid related since the third game in the franchise. And as much as it pains me to say it I think those first three are just a chore to play now. MGS4 had a marvellous narrative, a bizarrely appealing cast and was chock full of shadowy technophobic concepts that I found really appealing - it's only a pity that the first two chapters are actually remotely like it's "sneak em' up" predecessors. The cutscene-to-gameplay ratio was taken to a mind boggling extreme, and Mr. Konami already had a reputation for pushing it. I know Konami has a loyal fanbase and those who won't hear anything negative about him without taking umbrage, but I sometimes think he ended up working with the wrong medium entirely. Now if the Metal Gear Solid franchise had been a TV or film series, I'd have no complaints whatsoever.

I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say "I sometimes think he ended up working with the wrong medium entirely. Now if the Metal Gear Solid franchise had been a TV or film series, I'd have no complaints whatsoever." There are plenty of things that make the Metal Gear Solid series a fantastic gameplay experience, in my opinion. For example, The End was perhaps the best boss in all of gaming. Rather than focus on fast paced action, as most bosses do, it made the instances between the shots tense, while allowing players who didn't want to participate in the fight easy ways out. Those kinds of things just wouldn't be possible in films or TV, ignoring the great gameplay present in most of the series.


As for games I dislike,

Overwatch. Quite a few problems that I can see, the biggest being that the game isn't skill based.

Fallout 3 and 4. I found them to be lacking RPGs with average to awful writing and poor characters. Didn't do anything interesting with the setting.

The Witcher 2 and 3. I liked the first one, but after that the series has gone downhill for me.

Saint's Row Series. Just a little too wacky for the sake of it for me. I'm all for some wackiness but have some point to it rather than the content just being there with no rhyme or reason.

DOOM 2016. Looking very far from the good Dooms. Few bullet sponge enemies rather than crowds, Slow movement, Continually taking control away from the player for melee kills (during which you are invulnerable, if I remember right), ect.

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Lineage 1 and 2. Lineage 1 is still the most popular online game in Korea. I tried playing it and the movement was extremely clunky. I played Lineage 2 for a few months where I hit the grind wall. There are a few good elements in the game but in the end it's a very bare bone korean grinder. I don't understand how can the PvP be good when it's all based around stats, which is all based around how much you grind and how many friends you have. Also, point and click to move in a 3th person view game sucks. It's fine in top-down view like Diablo.


There is a lot of game I don't really like but I can see why some people might like them. These 2 games really makes me scratch my head.


Final Fantasy 10. Some people swear it's the best game to have ever graced the earth. I tried to play it back then and I couldn't get into it. The characters are incredibly dumb, I didn't like the religious/cult pilgrimage that was obviously bullshit, some of the story didn't make sense. I got really tired of random encounters. I think it's just getting the same treatment as FF7. It's the first FF game on the target console and is likely the first jrpg game played by many. Since it just got remastered for PC, I think it's time to dig up good old


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Overwatch. Sorry guys, but to me... this is just another copy of a game. :\ I mean, Blizzard makes great original CHARACTERS. But their recent GAMES? Hearthstone is basically just an extended version of a lot of card games out there (and it's pretty much a pay-to-win game)... Heroes of the Storm, another copy, and now Overwatch - basically just a newer Team Fortress 2 it seems. I'm going to stick to my Team Fortress 2, and the lovable characters that I love for their personalities. Not for Overwatch's sexualized models that 10 year olds seem to just love staring at and drooling over. *sigh*


EDIT: Now I KNOW there's gonna be some people like; "But Overwatch is way different to TF2!" Yeah, I don't even care. I hate Overwatch. I'm seeing it every fucking where and 90% of the Overwatch related posts are something sexual related. Guys, stop. Stop masturbating over fictional characters!!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Guys, stop. Stop masturbating over fictional characters!!




(Just replace 'here' with 'us')



If I wanna fap to this:






I will!


(do note, I'm just playing the part, not actually claiming that I do ... or don't...)


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Oh Rikku. I remember Official PlayStation 2 Magazine getting a massive boner over FFX-2 when it was first announced. "Final Fantasy gets its sex on!" was what they put on the cover.


It was essentially a lads mag, considering their coverage of WWE games for one example. Talking of my adolescent past...


OT: WoW, because my one-time best friend got so sucked into it that when we'd once meet at his and do things together, turned into me sitting next to him, watching him play WoW. And nothing else, for hours on end (7 solid hours once).


Does that make WoW a bad game itself? Well no, not really. But fuck if I'll ever play it.


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Half-Life 2.


I have trouble expressing why I dislike this game. It's just strangely uncompelling for me. Around the time I got to control a squad and assault the Combine fortress, I had lost all interest and motivation for moving on. I don't know why but the game is just incredibly uninvesting. There is just something about Half-Life 2 that feels like a stepback from Half-Life 1 which I absolutely loved alongside Opposing Force. The Gravity Gun being the only interesting weapon and the lack of brutal gibs like in Half-Life 1 may factor into it, but not that much. I guess since I wasn't exactly a gaming fan during the time it was released, I may not realize the full impact it had on the industry, but I would never really want to play through it again.


I used to feel the same way, the gunplay in HL2 is complete ass in comparison to HL1 and OP4

But it grew on me over the years, story-wise it's actually pretty amazing

the name's riley

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Ocarina of Time. I just. . .don't care what happens in it. I wasn't ever really interested in the story.

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

Red and yellow do go together.

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Ocarina of Time. I just. . .don't care what happens in it. I wasn't ever really interested in the story.



Didn't even feel like a Zelda game coming from LttP...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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LoZ in general. Though I wouldn't say I hate it. I don't even dislike it really. I'm just not interested in it in general and I don't have any nostalgic attachments to the series either. No matter how many chances I give it I always get bored. The gameplay and combat strikes me as Dark Souls lite (yes, I know it came first but I certainly didn't play it first) and I already have a healthy amount of souls-like games to choose from with difficulty toned to a level that keeps me interested.


It's just not for me and I don't think it ever will be.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Overwatch. Sorry guys, but to me... this is just another copy of a game. :\ I mean, Blizzard makes great original CHARACTERS. But their recent GAMES? Hearthstone is basically just an extended version of a lot of card games out there (and it's pretty much a pay-to-win game)... Heroes of the Storm, another copy, and now Overwatch - basically just a newer Team Fortress 2 it seems. I'm going to stick to my Team Fortress 2, and the lovable characters that I love for their personalities. Not for Overwatch's sexualized models that 10 year olds seem to just love staring at and drooling over. *sigh*


EDIT: Now I KNOW there's gonna be some people like; "But Overwatch is way different to TF2!" Yeah, I don't even care. I hate Overwatch. I'm seeing it every fucking where and 90% of the Overwatch related posts are something sexual related. Guys, stop. Stop masturbating over fictional characters!!

look, you're allowed to not like overwatch, you don't have to justify yourself, and certainly not by complaining about petty superficialities

all it does is upset people who do like the game

the name's riley

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