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That game you hate that everyone else loves.

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I must have gotten the iron NPC's then because I went back to Whiterun one time to find like 7 dead vampires and a bunch of bloody people standing around saying "who could do such a thing?" XD

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I have tried soo many times to get into it but I just can't,I just get angry how stupid this game is and I give up...the game is Metal Gear Solid.

There are many reasons I hate it and some of them I can't explain,but mostly I just hate how unrealistic the game is story wise and character wise.

For example I just can't for the love of god understand why that totally unrealistic character that walks around always ripped and almost naked (QUIET) jumps from a fu**ing helicopter that is like 50m in air and lands on solid ground without any injury and then proceeds to play and dance in the rain for no reason.

And then there is (SNAKE) old man with a pony tail and a beard walking around all badass like and its just funny to me,its soo stupid and unrealistic.

The daialog in all the games is soo cheese and stupid I want to hit my head against the screen every time I hear it.Gameplay makes no sense,how can someone hide if a fu***** box and be absolutely invisble.I could probably go on all day,but I don't want to bore anyone,excuse my bad grammar I am from France.

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Amnesia - It's not scary at all, it's actually really boring

Dead Space - Same as Amnesia, it's try-hard scary at best and everything about it is just so boring

FNAF - It's actually more comedic then scary and I think the whole "OH WE GOT YOU HAHA Jump scares are the only good way to scary people!" is stupid

Dragon's Dogma - Artificially difficult for the sake of being difficult, abysmal quest design, bad writing, it's just overall boring as hell

The Souls games - I will never understand the hype of this series, it's so boring that I can't even watch ten minutes of it without passing out.

Bloodborne - Same as the souls games

Dragon Age - I honestly don't get it. Origins was the most generic fantasy game I've ever played and shows nothing interesting for itself and none of the characters are interesting because at this point Bioware is just using template characters for everything, the same goes for 2 and Inquisition.

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Life is Strange. The overly stereotypical characters turn me off from it so hard, and I hate the type of people that are portrayed as the main and secondary characters in it. The plot was alright, interesting, intriguing, but the characters... just blurgh! Nope nope nope. It also gives me this; "The US is almighty and powerful" vibe, even though the US isn't even mentioned in the game. If that makes sense. X3 And the character's personalities makes it feel like the creators are all Tumblr addicts.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Every Call of Duty or Battlefield clone made after Call of Duty 4. They're slow, they're unfun, they're predictable, they're shallow, they're banal, they're carbon copies of the previous games, their palette is all brown and grey, they have shit plots with shittier endings, they have shit characterization, they glorify warfare and even war crimes, they turn war into a sick power fantasy and they're racist as fuck.


Well, except Spec Ops: The Line. Which isn't quite a clone of either of those games, but it's a deconstruction of them and the entire point of its existence is to highlight everything fucking horrible about those franchises.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Bioshock Infinite.


I really didn't enjoy this game as much i though i would, even though people describe it like its a gaming masterpiece. Almost everything about this game i found subpar at best. I cannot recall one song from the entire game. The story feels like its constantly trying to disorient me.

and the ending just tries to justify everything with "huehuehue you just got mindfucked, there are infinite realitys because of some butterfly effect bullshit that makes no sense, arent we deep?!"

The plasmids in this game (now called Vigors) dont even get an explanation as to why they are there in the first place! The gameplay is the worst of all, being some regurgitation from the original bioshock's combat (which isnt that good to begin with). During combat it feels like you're fighting ants theres so much distance between the enemies, it doesnt feel satisfying at all. The decision to just give you a melee button instead of a popup weapon, restricting the amount of weapons you can carry and giving every weapon iron sights feels like some streamlined Call Of Duty bullshit made to attract that kind of audience. The worst of all that was replacing the gene tonics with "Gears", which are random so you cant rely on them. Lastly theres the name, Bioshock. The only thing tying this games story to the one from Bioshock

But not really because infinite reality guys!

Is the ending, barely, and even that feels like an afterthought. So it shouldnt even be called Bioshock, it should be Skyshock or something. The steampunky setting i liked though.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Bioshock Infinite.


I really didn't enjoy this game as much i though i would, even though people describe it like its a gaming masterpiece. Almost everything about this game i found subpar at best. I cannot recall one song from the entire game. The story feels like its constantly trying to disorient me.

and the ending just tries to justify everything with "huehuehue you just got mindfucked, there are infinite realitys because of some butterfly effect bullshit that makes no sense, arent we deep?!"

The plasmids in this game (now called Vigors) dont even get an explanation to why they are there in the first place! The gameplay is the worst of all, being some reguritation from the other bioshocks combat (which i dont like that much either). During fights it feels like you're fighting ants theres so much distance between the enemies, it doesnt feel satisfying at all. The decision to just give you a melee button instead of a popup weapon, restricting the amount of weapons you can carry, giving every weapon iron sights feel like some streamlined Call Of Duty bullshit made to attract that kind of audience. The worst of all that they did was replacing the gene tonics with "Gears", which are random so you cant rely on them. Lastly theres the name, Bioshock. The only thing tying this games story to the one from Bioshock

But not really because infinite reality guys!

Is the ending, barely, and even that feels like and afterthought. So it shouldnt even be called Bioshock, it should be Skyshock or something. The steampunky setting i liked though.


Basically, all of this except i didn't even like the steampunk setting. I actually don't like Bioshock games in general which is weird because i love FPS with RPG Elements. System Shock, for example, i loved.

Siegreiche Schlacht, du blutschöne Maid!

Küss mich zum Ruhm, sei mein Geleit!

Siegreiche Schlacht, du blutgeiles Biest!

Der Tod ist dein Meister aus Stahl!

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The Souls games - I will never understand the hype of this series, it's so boring that I can't even watch ten minutes of it without passing out.

Bloodborne - Same as the souls games

Dragon Age - I honestly don't get it. Origins was the most generic fantasy game I've ever played and shows nothing interesting for itself and none of the characters are interesting because at this point Bioware is just using template characters for everything, the same goes for 2 and Inquisition.


Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Souls games and Bloodborne cater to a small(yet growing) niche in gaming so I don't blame people when they don't like it. Personally they're among my favorite series simply because they feel like the only games out there anymore challenging me while still respecting my intelligence and skill as a player.


Also they really aren't games you can sit and watch other people play. Even as someone who loves playing them I only can stand a select few gameplay videos of them myself and most if not all of them are from Peeve Peeverson. (even some of his stuff I end up closing early.)

Retired Forum Moderator

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Souls games and Bloodborne cater to a small(yet growing) niche in gaming so I don't blame people when they don't like it. Personally they're among my favorite series simply because they feel like the only games out there anymore challenging me while still respecting my intelligence and skill as a player.


I remember Kyou tried to get me into those games and I was very tempted to throw a few bricks at him because of it. :D So...

...cater to a small(yet growing) niche...

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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The Last Of Us. People ride the dick of this game hard.


But I think Ben Croshaw explained it the best on why it sucks: It's the video game equivalent of Oscar bait.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

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The Last Of Us. People ride the dick of this game hard.


But I think Ben Croshaw explained it the best on why it sucks: It's the video game equivalent of Oscar bait.


Eyyy, someone who agrees! :D High-fives all round!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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The Last of Us is a broken mess of a game in both mechanics, AI pathing and writing. It's made to look pretty and that's about it. If you want a good Dad-Daughter game set in a zombie apocalypse with actual good writing play Telltale's the walking dead.

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Hitman franchise. To be fair, i dont hate it, but it feels so.. clumsy. Meaning i just cant enjoy it.

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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Life is Strange. The overly stereotypical characters turn me off from it so hard, and I hate the type of people that are portrayed as the main and secondary characters in it. The plot was alright, interesting, intriguing, but the characters... just blurgh! Nope nope nope. It also gives me this; "The US is almighty and powerful" vibe, even though the US isn't even mentioned in the game. If that makes sense. X3 And the character's personalities makes it feel like the creators are all Tumblr addicts.

LiS characters are indeed such that can be missed as overly stereotypes (and some parts in personalities are indeed gringeworthy), but in fact the plot is built on very same stereotypes to make stronger point on issues it handles and characters are way more complex than it might seem even after finishing playtrough. You see, all that is very subtle, like a subtle smile you dont notice until you think back of the moment.

Now, that does mean that this game might not seem so good for everyone, but as big fan of the game, i just couldnt leave without pointing out what i did.

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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I'm going to add in another that just crossed my mind, I'll probably get some hate for it but.


Final Fantasy 7. It's not a good game, at all. It's writing is pretty bad and it's combat system is rather standard classic JRPG which is fine but it's length doesn't suit it's combat. I honestly expect the re-make to get a lot of hate because people will remember how bad it's writing actually is. I feel the only reason the original got so much love was because at the time it's cutscenes and the whole "We spent a million dollars on it!" made it revolutionary and made people think because so much money went into a game it was good but nowadays? The FF7 remake is just going to be like every other modern game with pretty graphics, nothing unique even it's new combat system, is in it.

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Any MOBA games (DOTA 2, LOL etc.) - I never liked the gameplay style of MOBA, it felt like a chore for me. Another reason why i don't like MOBA games is because the DOTA 2 and LOL community here in the Philippines is rather toxic, you'll just end up being pissed at them.

Welp, now what?

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Any MOBA games (DOTA 2, LOL etc.) - I never liked the gameplay style of MOBA, it felt like a chore for me. Another reason why i don't like MOBA games is because the DOTA 2 and LOL community here in the Philippines is rather toxic, you'll just end up being pissed at them.


The toxicity of their communities is world wide, even Riot has gone to a very long length to stop how bad the LOL community is and is still not even close to fixing it.

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after 333 hours.. Rocket League. Worst & most toxic community ever (yes, even worse than counter strike, dota, lol, all that).

And lets not even discuss matchmaking. It just keeps getting worse. Im so done with this game.

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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