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April 2nd

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Well for those of you who didn't figure it out yet, yesterday was a joke for April Fool's Day. Everything I wrote was bogus. The series is not over, Episode 11 is in progress. While I do think people could get tired of the format, I'm never going to run out of things to say, though some episodes will be better than others. I also have no incentive to have a road trip across the USA. I have enough scars from bicycle accidents as it is without needing to add to the collection with a motorcycle.


I think more of you figured out the joke than last year, it was basically the same trick. Since the fanbase is larger, there were a lot more comments this time. Like before, I put all comments mentioning April Fool's or the date on hold, but they're all posted now if you want to look through them. Also like before, I saw some suggestions that I was making up some of the comments. I'm not, these are all you guys. The only comments I made were in my name and were discussing the motorcycle trip.


Right now my plans are to finish Episode 11 of FM and the website, then focus soley on the next CP episode without having to divide up my attention on different projects.

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Hollywood really could learn some things from you.. You are by far, one of the best directors around, never forget that.. Machinema would not be the same without you.. Keep up the amazing work.. can't wait for the next episode of FM and CP

keep `em coming and we will keep watching

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Man, i gotta say, you do have a talent for this. When freeman's mind is said and done, you could sell a dvd (with bonus material!)! You could even do that with Civil Protection. And you could STILL ride around the country on a motorcycle, but you carry a laptop with you so could make vids for the next dvd to sell!

A traveling machinima-ist.

(with all the wi-fi stuff that is being set up, internet is pretty much accessible in more than half the country)

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Pshh, good thing i wasnt one of those people to fall for it >.>

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You know, you fooled like 100 times this number of people on YouTube.

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"I knew it was an April Fool's joke, but I was still worried. As I said, I can't wait for people's reactions

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teehee, cant wait for number 11! me and my sister love Freemans Mind.

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I knew there were a lot of people that liked Freeman's Mind but damn...399 comments,and just about all of them saying "please don't stop doing Freeman's Mind"
It was pretty funny
Nice job with the prank.

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I dont care if i was fooled or not im just happy the series are back!

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YES!!! i was right HELL YES atleast i saw the date xD HOLY EFF XANATOS!!!!! that guy in gman squad another machinima series i enjoy yaaaay yeah

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Haha.. Well now, this year wasn't very convicing But the last year, shoot... I believed it last year>.>heh.. good one Ross

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NICE ROSS! Alright! CP and the website along with a new FM! It's like fuckin' Christmas!

Yea- the joke this year was absolutely awesome. I liked it better than the newgrounds april fool's day joke.

Haha I didn't realize you held back april fool's comments. I honestly thought there were that many "dur" people out there. Another nice one haha. Peace and good luck!

YES! I can't wait!!

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I was actually worried for a second there when you mentioned the motorcycle ride and hid all our comments.

Oh man, if Freeman's Mind really did end it would be on Judgement Day!

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i guessed it was an april fools when you held my comment back,
felt pretty relieved

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CP were been come out first, later FM.

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Man, some people really thought it was real (not me man, if you saw my comment). And I had to tell you, people almost cried because of that joke ) And when's the next episode?

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