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1 hour ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

did u destroy them yet?

Yes, but not the 100% completion stuff. It starts to get repetititititititititititive for the replays.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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For some reason Steam had backups of my pirated save games... Weird.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm replaying Doom 3, just for fun. I tried to play the BFG Edition, but there were some things that I didn't like so I switched to the original version. Having a good time!

Edited by capritsuno
Spelling (see edit history)

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5 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

i'd play it if the graphics didn't look like mud, it basically made prey unplayable for me, and i own the game on steam of all places

i think i paid 1 euro for the retail copy, it's insane


You may want to try the BFG Edition, as the color palette is slightly brighter and colorful than the original Doom 3. Both games are pretty dated nowadays in terms of graphics, though

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On 9/22/2020 at 7:33 PM, capritsuno said:

I'm replaying Doom 3, just for fun. I tried to play the BFG Edition, but there were some things that I didn't like so I switched to the original version. Having a good time!

The original with the duct tape mod, and the parallax mod. Was visually on-par with most AAA games that have come out in the past 3 years year. (apart from low-rez textures, and poor widescreen support)


On topic: Star Trek Online

Edited by BTGBullseye (see edit history)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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On 9/24/2020 at 3:41 AM, RaTcHeT302 said:

lul, the source engine could use a DUCT TAPE mod

No it doesn't... All it did was add an always-on texture projection to the weapon model that looked like a flashlight. It was however easier to change the texture to whatever you wanted. (I know the first mod of the duct tape mod had a dickbutt projection instead)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I play(ed) Despotism 3k, thanks to Ross' Game List.
That's why I am here btw. So thanks Ross, I guess.




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On 10/6/2020 at 5:59 PM, RaTcHeT302 said:

man i was bored as hell after beating the game once, like it was fun but, the management is so tedious and i just didn't enjoy running after the orange canisters like speedy gonzales, it ruined the tactical pacing the game had, and it just forced me to rush every mission like a maniac, to the point where i was not immersed at all, i was too focused on just rushing the whole game, and i felt like i had to focus too much on making my squad as optimized as possible


i wish someone could delete the management part, i just want a real time strategy game, where we blast aliens, i just don't care for that micromanagement crap at all


like xcom is an okay game and i had fun with it but i could do without 99% of the mechanics it has... (alien captures, alien bodies, everything else besides shooting aliens in their dumb mug really)


turn based combat still sucks balls though


The micromanaging gets even worse with Ironman on. I still enjoy the game, but the pacing is quite different now.


I lost again last night, maybe I'll start another run tonight.

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30 minutes ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

i would've just uninstalled the game since i feel like i'd rather check new stuff out instead of burning myself out on the same game


idk i don't understand how people can manage to replay the same game over and over again, i basically need to wait for at least 6 months to pass before i can even consider replaying a singleplayer game of all things


so when i read stories about people speed running the same game for 10.000 hours or, how some people have beaten the same game 6 times in a row on the hardest difficult mode, i sorta start to wonder if most people who play games are either masochists or just a bit mental


i mean i hope you are having fun at least, i wouldn't, i would just go play something else to be honest


plus i'm a huge cheater at singleplayer games, i really don't give a shit since i don't have anything to prove to anybody, and a ton of people always look at me weird when i cheat to do away with boring stuff, like i gave myself unlimited ammo in just cause 3 and i just play hudless since i just want to blow shit up for the most part


also i basically cheat at every single rpg game, so i become a god from lvl 1 - maybe i'm stupid but i get this huge relief knowing that i'm not insane, since so many people willingly waste 20 hours just to beat a really though section, or they just grind for what feels like an eternity, doing the same mundane shit over and over again, and i basically bypass the whole thing, with cheat engine, and people look at me weird, for just skipping this sorta crap


to me wasting hours of your life to get a number up just seems kinda dumb, i just want to get to the point for the most part, so games like stardew valley and state of decay end up feeling really artificial and i have no real reason to play these games, since the gameplay is all fakey fake to me


state of decay has a cool setting, but i just get bored out of my mind, constantly grinding for resources

why can't i have a zombie setting game, without the bullshit survival filler? it's so boring


i dunno my brain just tells me to turn games like these off once i notice what they are about


like i love the idea behind project zomboid, but man i get so bored 30 minutes into it, i don't have any real motivation beyond, survive for 5 minutes

ok you survived in the first 5 minutes? you basically beat the whole game, since that's the whole point of it, so be prepared to survive for, 50 more hours? days? when does it stop? what's my end goal? what's my motivation?


too many games often feel like, i've already beaten them? and i have no personal motivation to go on, so i just drop them, or if the characters just straigt up annoy me or, if nothing about the storyline is grabbing me, i just don't see the point


i see a lot of people who have this obsession with "backlogs" and for some reason, some people feel the need to complete every single game they own, but to me that's kinda stupid, sometimes i just buy a game and the game is what it is (mostly crap)


some games are just that bad, and i don't see the point in forcing myself, i'm not having fun with it anyway, but i don't refund a game unless it's literally a cash grab or, unless it's broken or just, like a dumb phone game on pc


idk i have a ton of playstation 2 games i've never gotten past the first level, just because they were junk


even when i cheated on an emulator, some of these games just plain sucked, or just felt outdated, so i don't feel too bad, i've bought plenty of bad games, but i never really cried over it, games are a luxury anyway, you just sorta have to take responsibility for this type of purchase


some games were sorta mediocre but, i did find ways to get some fun out of them, so it wasn't always horrible, i mean i got a ton of fun out of driver 3's free roam mode, thanks to the cheats, plus the environment were kinda immersive in a way, and i enjoyed driving around so, that was fun for a while, plus the police chases were kinda hilariously dumb most of the time, because of the car physics


anyway grinding for crap is why i never really got into games like monster hunter on the PSP

like the setting is cool but the combat is too janky for me and 99% of the game is just boring ass grinding


I'm just in the mood for playing this particular mix of strategy/turn-based stuff now. I'm not too much of a completionist, just enjoying myself. My backlog will probably remain mostly untouched now that I think about it. Too many games, too little time.


Regardless, I'll probably stop playing XCOM for a while if I don't win on my next save (the rng is getting just too bad for my taste right now).


Like TotalBiscuit used to say, games just need to be compelling for the player. If you're in the mood for a different experience (or simply don't want to deal with some mechanics), there's nothing wrong with cheating or modding your game. Make your own fun!

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On 10/1/2020 at 7:05 AM, centersolace said:

Hmm, that looks interesting, is it more of a management sim, or a puzzle game? It looks very trial and error-y.

Sorry for the late reply, this got somehow buried here.
I've played Despotism 3k for about two hours now and it's a puzzle management kinda game.
Balance the production of food energy and humans while the pressure to produce more always increases.
I find it too hard to be enjoyable. It's stressing me out even on easy mode.

There should be an option to make time pass way slower. That said, the humour is great, the is a ton of reference to classical Sci-Fi movies that are campy enough to be mildly amusing and the story, premise and visual art style of the game is pretty great to awesome.
Hope that helps.


What is less stressful to play is Hades.
It's a  mostly meh to good roguelike with the occasional spike of woah, that was great in case you get rng that isn't a bitchI don't understand why everyone is having such a great time with it, but I hate roguelikes, rng and dying in general. And that it manages to keep me vested enough to be interested is a good sign.
The story is great and I'm a sucker for Greek mythology, so that helps, but other than that I just seem to be interested in a niche and so alienated by the mainstream that even overwhelmingly positive rated games warrant little to no positive emotional response...

Oh well, to be honest I feel far more connected to the main antagonist: Hades himself than to his son, the protagonist shown in the picture below...  

Edited by Konrad
Dramatisation (see edit history)

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Battletech with the Roguetech mod.


Found it because Google recommended a video from a guy whose videos I watched 5 years ago to figure out a build on Mechwarrior Online, and then it just popped up for some reason. This mod got me to buy the Battletech game, because the vanilla gameplay just didn't have enough choices for equipment and mechs in it. (and it wasn't very intuitive for the damage and combat system) Only downside is the abysmal hit chances. (have to bring double/triple the ammo you need in vanilla, and that's comparing a level 10 gunnery to a level 3 gunnery)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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