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Taking a break from Final Fantasy 15, so I can focus on something else.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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StarCraft: Remastered


Played a few games against a friend.


I suck at the game, though. In fact, I'm worse at it than I ever was at StarCraft II


But I keep going back because I don't like to give up.

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"

– Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

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Prey: Mooncrash DLC.


Reviews on it are mixed and I completely understand why but I still very much enjoy it.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Final Fantasy 15. I tried focusing on something else, but this called me back.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Crash Bandicoot:N. Sane Trilogy


Almost beat Crash 1 in a matter of hours. Will begin Crash 2 soon.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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Warframe (Xbox One version)


Excalibur Umbra is mine now. Been doing some level grinding with him, using Formas to polarize some mod slots and tailor him to my style of play.


Also been polarizing the mod slots of Exalted Umbra Blade, since apparently certain Warframes' "Exalted Weapons" (Valkyr Talons, Exalted Blade, Wukong's staff, etc.) can now be modified. And the nikana that Excalibur Umbra came with had some polarizing done too.


I'm running out of Formas, though. I need more. Much more...

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"

– Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

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StarCraft II


Battled two of my very best friends. I won, too.


I don't feel good about winning, though, especially in the 2v1 where I was actually trying to lose to them.


I guess that's what happens when you play against people who don't play RTS games nearly as much as you do.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"

– Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

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Sonic Mania Plus

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"

– Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

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The Original Strife: Veteran Edition

"I don't trust a man that doesn't have something strange going on about him, cause that means he's hiding it from you. If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his words backwards from time to time, you know it's all laid out there for you. But if he's friendly to strangers and keeps his home spick-and-span, more often than not he's done something even his own ma couldn't forgive." -No-bark Noonan

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Bully: Scholarship Edition and Stories: The Path of Destinies.


Don't let the generic sounding title fool you, so far Stories is a great game.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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