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Devil May Cry 4. Not sure why this got such bad reviews, I'm liking what I'm seeing. This is why I rarely take other peoples words on reviews. :x

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Pre-ordered DX:HR Augmented Edition and just started playing through the original DX... Kinda sucks, but it's better than most games from the same era IMO. (the pre-release beta was the only reason I pre-ordered; got to try out the gameplay before wasting money)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Holy moly such a good game.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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I might try some more Morrowind, I just can't get used to it after Oblivion. I hadn't used a UI that annoying and unorganized in years. But I love all the awesome weapons and the epic quests, classic TES.

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yeah reverse adjustment is awkward but I still love Morrowind.


Incidentally, last game I played was Oblivion. Skyrim has me all hot for RPG's right now.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I liked Morrowind's UI better than Oblivions honestly, and although the combat in Morrowind is probably its weakest point, I don't care because the atmosphere of the game absolutely makes up for it in flying colors.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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Metroid prime 3

Sadface when i saw other M's reviews. At least samus talks in this one.

It's price is good though, just a half a year after it's release and it's 17 bucks used :)

Not buying it though. not yet.

After i do so though, i will have played every metroid game. (excluding pinball, that one's just metroid prime on ds.

Also known as "Username"

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I liked Morrowind's UI better than Oblivions honestly, and although the combat in Morrowind is probably its weakest point, I don't care because the atmosphere of the game absolutely makes up for it in flying colors.


My first thirty hours of Morrowind were- It's brown, it's raining, I'm walking really slow and people keep calling me outlander. I'm 34 hours in... I've spent 4 hours searching for the places I'm supposed to go on my quests and so far I've found barely anything.

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My first thirty hours of Morrowind were- It's brown, it's raining, I'm walking really slow and people keep calling me outlander. I'm 34 hours in... I've spent 4 hours searching for the places I'm supposed to go on my quests and so far I've found barely anything.


My first 135 hours of the game: I wander around doing whatever I want and exploring the world. finds fuck tons of awesome thing. hour 136, I complete the first mission, start second.


pretty much the same for me and oblivion. I didn't even visit Waynon priory until I was level 42 and already beaten Shivering isles, knights of the Nine, become arch mage of the mages guild, half way through the fighters guild, champion of arena, and completed 100's of small quests in between.


Oh yeah, last game played: Oblivion.


hint when your alchemy is 75 or higher: combine bog beacon, ham, sweet cake and flax seeds. creates a potion with the effects of feather, shield, and restore health, fatigue and magicka.

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Deus Ex... Trying to get the resized HUD to work right, but it doesn't want to...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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