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I started playing Europa Univeralis 4, a really huge strategy game where you can pick a country from all around the world from the 1444 to 1821. My current playthrough is as Qing though I started as one of the Manchurian tribes. Right now I hold China, Siberia (Because Russia who is the only country that colonizes the Siberian arctic got stomped out by Denmark and Nogai back when it was Muscovy in my current save) and slowly expanding into the middle east to take over the Silk Road.

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Dark Souls.


Finally managed to beat Ornstein and Smough both solo and without cheesing. I feel pretty damn good about myself.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I'm gonna be playing a lot over the weekend for bonus xp

the name's riley

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Star Trek Online again... Also torrenting Europa Universalis 4, because I want to see if it really does hit my strategy interest.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Had my bandmate round for some Chinese and Chill. Played Rocket League and a bit of Trials Fusion on his PS4, which I'm holding hostage so he can do some important organising without being distracted with FIFA.


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Finally beaten Brutal Doom from start to finish. That last boss is such a pain even on the easiest difficulty.


Yeah I played the game on the easiest difficulty possible because I am a pussy like that.

Actually Yngwie of Haus Malmsteen, feefty eenches of pure Svwedish beef.

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Witcher 3


I'm the perfect mix of "pretty good" and "absolutely terrible" at this game. I'll go into a fight against a large monster 5 levels higher for 10 minutes and take no hits and then nearly die 5 times to a group of bandits 10 levels lower.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Finally beaten Brutal Doom from start to finish. That last boss is such a pain even on the easiest difficulty.


Yeah I played the game on the easiest difficulty possible because I am a pussy like that.

Only way I can play it too. It's brutal. x.x


OT: Fallout 4.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I feel kinda bad for running a hunter beast deck but how was I supposed to know how op those were when I made it? I was just trying to theme my deck :S

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A friend more or less forced me to try it again after i played a few hours a year ago and didn't like it. So far it seems they improved a lot...

Siegreiche Schlacht, du blutschöne Maid!

Küss mich zum Ruhm, sei mein Geleit!

Siegreiche Schlacht, du blutgeiles Biest!

Der Tod ist dein Meister aus Stahl!

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Thea: Thea Awakening.


It's not bad for a repetitive game. (only lost 1 game, won the rest, once you learn the systems, it gets a LOT easier)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Witcher 3


I'm the perfect mix of "pretty good" and "absolutely terrible" at this game. I'll go into a fight against a large monster 5 levels higher for 10 minutes and take no hits and then nearly die 5 times to a group of bandits 10 levels lower.


*kill vokun in skyrim right out of riverwood*

*leave the dungeon and immediately die by falling 2 feet*

the name's riley

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Dark Souls 2


I feel this is the polar opposite of Dark Souls, where DS is hard but fair, DS2 is easy but unfair. It's not hard, I'm breezing through it really fast, but holy shit it LOOOOVES dropping anvils on players. If this game reduced about 75% of it's bullshit it'd still have a lot of bullshit.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Dark Souls 2


I feel this is the polar opposite of Dark Souls, where DS is hard but fair, DS2 is easy but unfair. It's not hard, I'm breezing through it really fast, but holy shit it LOOOOVES dropping anvils on players. If this game reduced about 75% of it's bullshit it'd still have a lot of bullshit.


*points to signature*

the name's riley

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Stardew Valley


I can not even remember the last time I marathoned a new game like I did this one. Holy shit I need to take tomorrow off from games after that.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Valkyria chronicles

This game is just magnificent. Interesting gameplay, nice anime-style look and great story. Oh and its long as heck and has replay value.

I've currently spent 28 hours in game (4 hours trying to do same thing over and over) and thats WITH walktrough helping me since rather early. And im STILL not done with the story (fact, i thorougly enjoy). Its literally a season of show packed into game and i seriously love it. I struggle to recall game with so much story.

And from what i can gather, if you find challenge too easy, you have hardcore mode as well.

Oh and its currently on steam sale (5 euros)

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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