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Enter the Gungeon

Binding of Isaac meets Borderlands, with an additional layer of "WTF" and difficult.

The "difficult" layer is pretty thick. My first death was only a few rooms from the start, but mainly because I was an idiot XD

A.K.A. UberCatSR

Favorite game: Quake 1.


Avatar made by Neffertity

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Digimon World Next Order


Interesting battle system, probably unique too. At least unique for me. English voices are... off... Cyber Sleuth made me used to Japanese voices for Digimon games, and yet I prefer dub with the anime. Might switch to Japanese voices, dunno yet though.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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One of these days I'll figure out the intricacies of the square button and why it sometimes doesn't but until then I guess I'll just keep getting my teeth punched out my ass after the game put that big ol flashy square button and the button itself decided to go on vacation.

Retired Forum Moderator

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The issue isn't so much the button layout as it is sometimes it just feels like it's not doing what it's supposed to. Like I'll see the prompt and hold it down and I'll see Noctis go into the defense stance but I'll get hit anyways. I'm starting to suspect it's a certain type of attack that you actually need to dodge roll away from.


This is what happens when you have the muscle memory of dark souls/bloodborne/witcher 3 interfering with different games.


OT: Path of Exile. League is coming to an end so I'm just fooling around and seeing what I can do with my character. Tornado shot flask ranger is the most fun I've had in that game yet.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Could it also be your controller? Also, sometimes you need to hold the block button long enough for the parry option to show up.


OT: Final Fantasy 8


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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The controller works fine. Tested it out on Dark Souls 3 and Witcher 3 and it works every time there so it's not a problem with that. Idunno.


OT: Path of Exile.

After 6 hours of play I am 0% towards level 89. Yup, the game kept killing me that much. To make it even dumber, all the deaths happened from 1 hit kills in tier 7 maps yet I did a tier 14 map with double end boss, 3 invading war bands, and all monsters have 80-90% of their physical damage as extra cold and fire damage and I didn't get hit once there. it doesn't make any sense.

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Finally gave up on Fallout 2.

Atleast I gave it a good 20 hours before I finally made up my mind. I went in with a very open mind, I learned all the mechanics from scratch, but the game just wont let me like it. Im gonna see if Fallout 1 (which I couldnt get into before) is better.


I really wanted to like FO2 but it just wont let me. The game is... bad. It is, in my opinion, so bad that I can not see why there is any love for this.

Long story short: After 2 characters of trial and error and learning what I was doing wrong, I went out with a new character that had 10 AGI, 7 LCK, 6 END and the rest was 5 (gifted perk).

Got Small Guns up to 131% and Im still getting:

>82% hit chance

>You missed.

>You missed.

>You critically missed and lost all your ammo.

>Bandit was hit for 13 damage.

>Bandit was hit for 50 damage.

>You missed.

So this game is, in fact, not much of an RPG, since it seems to just rely on the dice rolls. It doesnt seem to matter if your luck is high or if your skills are high, the game does whatever it wants. The damage is inconistent, the hits and misses are complete and utter BS. I got more hits, for more damage, using the combat shotgun with 3 LCK and 4 STR on one of my first characters. Im using the combat shotgun and unarmed weapons/pistols on the more optimized character and the results are as shown above for about 80% of my encounters. I've also noticed alot of weird stuff that seemed to have been missed during playtesting (the P90 unloads 9mm ammo, but only loads 10mm ammo, for example.) Feel free to tell me if Ive done anything wrong here, I really want to experience this game and like it.


"Life sucks sober!"

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Path of Exile


I guess the game felt bad for kicking my ass all day because it just gave me a pity Exalted Orb.

Retired Forum Moderator

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One of these days Ross's game session will be on a game I enjoy/have (like UT2004) and at a time where I'm not working.



OT: Sword with sauce. Best $3 I've spent.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Banjo-Kazooie. Good game.

This random YouTuber is getting laid with random hot dudes, and is basically the worst person in existence. Why? Just watch the free video.

Red and yellow do go together.

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I start off as a cleaner in a modeling show of sorts. Before I know it, I'm promoted to security, top floor. I'm stationed to guard the bathroom of an important lady. Said lady is in the room adjacent to the bathroom. All of a sudden she comes down with a case of knife to forehead. I hope it's not contagious! I escape, just in case. On my first day too! Not just as a security officer, but as a cleaner too! I head downstairs where I bump into the head of this modeling show. He too comes down with a case of knife to forehead. Holy shit, it is contagious! Screw this gig and screw Paris, I'm going to Sapienza, Italy.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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