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I'm really, really liking this game. I was neutral on Amnesia and while Penumbra is amongst my top favorite horror games; this... I think this is THE top of my favorite horror games. Ignoring the common criticism of "NO WEAPONS!!!!!!1!", the controls are the tightest they've been, the interaction in smooth and feels great, the "puzzles" are unique and intuitive (I put it in quotes because puzzle isn't exactly the right word since it's more like a logical obstacle than your traditional puzzle.) the atmosphere is the strongest I've seen in horror yet, and they've somehow managed to do nearly flawlessly what few games have pulled off which is guide the player through the game without holding your hand. There's no objectives screen, there's no destination marker, and there's no HUD. The closest you get to a HUD is a brief display of the one item you may be carrying when you hit Tab. The closest you get to a guide is a woman who occasionally tells you kind of what you need to do (but never how to do it. "We need to restart the mainframe if we're going to blah blah blah" "Somewhere on the upper level is the blah blah blah") and yet despite all that I've only gotten lost once, and the reason I got lost was because I was too focused on not getting caught by wandering monsters who for the first time in years actually make me uneasy and unsettled.


Bravo Frictional. Fucking bravo.

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  Rarity said:
The closest you get to a HUD is a brief display of the one item you may be carrying when you hit Tab.

Can't even use both hands, or any pockets... Just 1 item... You're giving me so many reasons to never try this game.


OT: Wasteland 2: Director's Cut. Very fun, and editing the save game (it's in a plain-text file, and designed for easy editing) to give yourself top-of-the-line weapons (tier 6) at the beginning of the game is remarkably fun... I'm going to restart, and do a single character playthrough. (should be interesting running around with a G41, assault scope, laser sight, sound suppressor, and an RPG at level 1)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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  BTGBullseye said:

Can't even use both hands, or any pockets... Just 1 item... You're giving me so many reasons to never try this game.

Gonna be honest. That's one of the worst excuses I've ever heard. :/ Not liking it's style and not wanting to play it is one thing, but that comment, whether you intended for it to or not, sounds like you're actively seeking reasons to hate it.


The reason the one item inventory works is because the gameplay and mechanics have been designed around it. From just walking through the halls to working your way through puzzles the only thing you ever need is one thing, if any. And it's done well enough that you don't even really notice you ever only hold one item at most (excluding the environment objects you can grab and move like all their games) unless you breakdown and analyze the mechanics.


As for the lack of pockets, well, spoilers:



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In the end I'm not gonna force you to play something you don't want to. It's just that was such a bitter response towards something that's hardly a big deal...


OT: Team Fortress 2 for the first time in forever. I would say I did particularly well but at the same time the people I were going up against could have passed for bots if the presence of a ping didn't say otherwise. On multiple occasions people just stopped shooting at me and walked away like it never even happened.

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  Rarity said:
As for the lack of pockets, well, spoilers:



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  Rarity said:
It's just that was such a bitter response towards something that's hardly a big deal...

You're reading way too deep into my comments... I don't put 'deeper meaning' into my writings if at all possible.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Sorry. Guess it just kinda struck a nerve. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when people judge something as a whole while only lookin at a tiny piece of it. (I'm lookin at you, senior thesis instructor. mr. You-didn't-texture-this-wall-I-found-way-out-behind-the-level-after-noclipping-to-get-there-that's-an-F-for-the-day)


I'm partly to blame too since my ineliquent speech can make anything sound bad. Guess what I should be saying is considering the implied limitations that one would expect from a mechanic like that, the game handles it extremely well. So much so that like I said you almost don't notice it unless you critically analyzing the games structure, and it doesn't in any way feel cumbersome or impeding. I'd say it feels quite natural all things considered.


That and while I hate how often its used, the "it's just a game" argument does have some merit.(I know I went there) and by that I'm referring to the fact that one of the first requirements for immersion that pretty much every game has is a healthy suspension of disbelief. Without it everything would just be realism simulators.


Long story short, you don't have to like the game or it's style but at least some credit where credit is due.


/triggered rant


OT: Bejeweled for the phone. It took a long time, and believe me I fought it, but I finally threw 3 bucks at them to make the ads go away. Ffs you couldn't even touch a menu button without one popping up. Been fighting it since 2012.

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Running With Rifles.


If I had the $ to buy it, I would... It feels like a modern version of the Army Men games, except less plastic.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Metro 2033 Redux


The fact alone that I can now stealth people without alerting enemies on the other side of the whole game is worth the 5 dollars I paid for both of these games.

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So apparently it wasn't a one item inventory, you just never needed to carry much all at once.


I also beat it. That was quite the ending.

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Almost played Skyrim with 202 mods... It wouldn't start though, I suspect install order to be a major issue. (I didn't realize I hadn't installed SkyUI until I was 154 mods in)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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  BTGBullseye said:
Almost played Skyrim with 202 mods... It wouldn't start though, I suspect install order to be a major issue. (I didn't realize I hadn't installed SkyUI until I was 154 mods in)

My friend managed to got 307 mods on his game before it stopped working and even then the game was falling apart. He kept getting killed by invisible dragons with no hitboxes. and every time he fast traveled he'd load in with 2 dead dogs.


OT: DoA5. You know, anyone thinking of getting this game for the story should not get this game for the story. This game is clearly fighting and tits. I mean, I'm sure there was a story somewhere once but if the games story was a sentence then they took out the nouns, the adjectives, and the verbs and left only a couple scattered prepositions here and there. Like you're hearing PART of a story, but everything important is missing.


I guess my first mistake was even expecting a story. I knew what I was getting into, and I still looked.

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Well, it looks like most of the mods aren't the actual problem, but only 1. Now I just have to find out which it is.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.


Glad to see another game get taken over and ruined by elitists and assholes. Just try going into a FFA match. People will stop their fight to kill you and then go back to their fight. Some bullshit about "interfering with a gentlemens duel"


Well they can have their "gentlemens duel" I'm not wasting my precious time on honor rules in a FFA. If I wanted that I'd still be playing Agario. <_<


Shame too. That game used to be fun.

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Skyrim. Got it to work modded... (97 mods) Now I'm adding a bunch more... (170+ total)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Life is Strange. Still emotional rollercoaster of the decade, still my game of the decade, but damn, that ending sucks

heres my review if anyone is interested (i hope this isnt against rules): http://www.twcenter.net/forums/content.php?266-Review-Life-is-Strange

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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