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Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. It's like a cheesy Saturday morning cartoon in video-game form, and I'm digging it.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Star Trek Online. Daily mark bonuses are great, but they need to make them occur two or three times a day for the Romulan missions.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I've been playing some Sniper Elite V2 (Or Snipe people in the balls simulator 2012).


I've only got 2 in the balls and only 1 time it was two of them.


I've tried, trust me.

I just... I don't even...

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I've been playing some Sniper Elite V2 (Or Snipe people in the balls simulator 2012).


I've only got 2 in the balls and only 1 time it was two of them.


I've tried, trust me.

It's hard for me to even kill people with the realistic ballistics on, let alone pull off a long-distance insta-neuter. Although the realistic ballistics does make getting double headshots immensely more satisfying.


OT: Towerfall: Ascension. Bloody brilliant local multiplayer, tons of fun. The singleplayer is alright, but I wouldn't get it just for that alone (unless you're getting it free with PS Plus like I did, then it's a no-brainer). The local multiplayer is where it's at, especially the competitive multiplayer. It gives you TONS of options for how the match is set up, like what power-ups are available, how many arrows you start with, what kinds of arrows you start with and best of all you can set all of these for either every player, or you can set different ones for different players. So if I'm playing against someone not as good, I can give them a shield to start with and start myself off with only one arrow or something. It's quite cool.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Star Trek Online and Warface... Not for long on either since my internet keeps going down... Hopefully the Comcast guy actually fixed it while he was here.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Dead Space. I got DS3 for free with PS Plus (good thing too, 'cause no way am I giving EA money for something with their insidious micro-transactions in it) and decided to check out the other two first.


I'm sure anyone who cares has already played it, but Dead Space absolutely nails the atmosphere. I'm not big on horror games or horror in general usually, but I find when it's sci-fi horror it can be pretty intriguing, and Dead Space certainly held my attention. And I know it's old news by now, but that UI design is brilliant, having all the HUD elements just fit seamlessly into the world.


Though now I'm stuck on the bit in chapter 10 where you have to run from that invincible bastard (The Hunter, I think it's called). Dying repeatedly kinda replaces the tension with frustration after a while. It would be easy enough if I'd stocked up, but I've got no health packs and very little ammo, so it's a real pain in the ass. Gonna take a break and try again later with a fresh mind.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Star Trek Online.


Loads more fun when you're in a decent fleet. Anyone who's playing it and want's to join a fun and active fleet on either side, (I just help start up the KDF sister fleet yesterday) PM me.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Terraria. Was trying out their newest boss fight and items. The weapons dropped from boss farming were well worth the time it took to get the summon items. They also announced that the Lunar Event is coming soon which I've been excited about since I first heard it. Get to fight the fucking MOON.


It's kind of weird how everyone at my school who plays terraria considers me the go-to person on loadouts, progression, weapon use and boss fights. It's cool but COMPLETELY useless in terms of knowledge. :| Especially since I know so little about potions in that game I may as well be telling them "HAHAHA YOU PUT TEH LIME IN THE COCONUT AND DRINK THE BOWL UP" When they ask how to make any kind of potion.


Also I can now have an army of Sharknados.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.


STO was not letting me log on for some reason...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Destiny Beta. I have literally no idea why the story mode couldn't have been offline. Aside from people jumping in your game, but Dark Souls and Watch_Dogs both had that and they could easily be played offline.


The game itself is fun enough, kind of a combo Borderlands/Halo, but the connection issues are starting to piss me off. If it not fixed by September I'm getting my money back. I know it's in beta, but I fail to connect to the Tower more often than not. The story mode mostly connects OK, but it sucks to be playing what is more or less singleplayer and then get kicked out of the game in addition to being unable to pause the game properly.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Don't bother with the costumes. Get the season pass, (almost all the content DLCs) and element of destruction pack. (maybe add in one of the weapon DLCs if you feel like it)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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The costumes really aren't worth the $1 they're priced at IMO. Besides, two of them are free...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Killzone Shadowfall. Ended up in a Pistols only team death match where it seemed the goal was team killing. There were four people on the map, the one other guy on my team kept shooting me and I kept seeing the notifications popping up that the other team was also team killing. Nobody had any points. I think I found the server made entirely of bastards.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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