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Last Game You Played

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Unit 13. A team of consisting of various accents murders swathes of middle eastern stereotypes!

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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I don't remember, but I'm just about to start up Space Pirates and Zombies... (and Bounty Hunters)


By the way, if anyone's interested, SPAZ 2 is on my wishlist for my birthday in May... (no pressure)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Luftrausers. I put it down when I get frustrated with the more difficult missions, and shortly thereafter start going through withdrawals and pick it back up again.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Age of Empires II.


Playing pretty much for the steam cards to sell since for the next 2 days Fable: The Lost Chapters is only $1.50 and I'm 41 cents short

Retired Forum Moderator

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Infamous: Second Son. Fuckin' A this game is cool! And remote play is actually worth a damn, instead of the half-assed attempt that was on PS3. I don't think my internet is good enough to play it anywhere, but the direct connect reaches most anywhere in my house it seems, so that's pretty sweet. I'm actually amazed at both the lack of lag and how well the controls actually worked. I expected the noticeable lack of buttons to be more of an issue, but it actually works well with the touch screen (more or less behaves like extra face buttons). Nowhere near as good as using a proper controller, mind you, but still very playable. Kudos to Sony. More kudos would be due if we got this with PS3 (which is entirely possible, as CFW users have proven), but kudos none the less. Anyway, the folks are no longer watching TV, so it's time to rock this on the big screen!

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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  Alyxx Thorne said:
Deus Ex HR Director's Cut. Got 100% achievements. ;)



Just reinstalling Starforge... I want to see if their newest patches have made the game playable now...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Infamous: Second Son. Karma bombs kick ass. Specifically, all of the ass in your general vicinity.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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Starforge. Still extremely low framerates, and no optimization as far as I can tell.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I just played a riveting game of Vector Strike for 30 seconds before realizing that asshole who kept spawnkilling everyone with a carbine was top ranked world wide in kills. That's enough of THAT for now.

Retired Forum Moderator

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  Rarity said:
I just played a riveting game of Vector Strike for 30 seconds before realizing that asshole who kept spawnkilling everyone with a carbine was top ranked world wide in kills. That's enough of THAT for now.

So... A hacker...


OT: Planet Stronghold. Not a bad game...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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  BTGBullseye said:
  Rarity said:
I just played a riveting game of Vector Strike for 30 seconds before realizing that asshole who kept spawnkilling everyone with a carbine was top ranked world wide in kills. That's enough of THAT for now.

So... A hacker...


OT: Planet Stronghold. Not a bad game...


Maybe, maybe not. That game has some unbelievable players but I suspect it's because of how close it feels to the old unreal tournament games that they just picked up on it immediately.


Anywho, the last game I played was Peggle Nights.

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You should try playing against the old Tribes 2 pros... They'll put every other FPS pro out there to shame.


StarCraft 2... Just long enough to make sure my brother's computer runs it properly, and optimize the graphics settings.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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inFAMOUS: Second Son. Played enough to give bit better verdict. Traversal is a marked improvement over the first two games. Every power set thus far has quick and easy ways to get up to rooftops and zip around. Neon is probably my favorite for traversal thus far, but

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is a close second. The climbing is less sticky too. It makes Deslin fall in some places where Cole wouldn't have, but it stops it from being a pain in the ass the just get him to land on the ground. And once you get neon it's practically a non-issue. In inFAMOUS 2, the grappling-lighting-hook power you got was great for getting around, but you got it so late it was basically useless. Here the smoke dash gets you up vents and rooftop to rooftop easily, and once you get neon you can just bee-line wherever you need to go since you can run up damn near everything.


I also like what they did with the cut-scenes. Instead of just doing away with the cool comic-book cut-scenes in favor of snazzy mo-cap, the mo-cap is used for most cut-scenes (and looks damn nice, I might add) and the comic style is used for flashbacks

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Last and almost certainly least NEXT GEN TRAFFIC-CONE PHYSICS!

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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