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AWESOME!!!! Best April 1st I have ever had! I gotta say this is my favorite episode of Freeman's mind YET! Please have him all freaked out that he respawns Like WTF didn't I just fall down there.... OOOO I'm God!!! Personally I think you should have him die a few times thru out the series.... will you go to Black Mesa (Source) When it's released or stick with Half life source?

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This might be an April fools Joke. In his video blog post he said that he may go on a motorcycle and travel across the US. That is definitely to drastic of a change from making youtube videos and getting money from it to traveling across the country. This is screaming "April Fools." Besides, why did he call it episode 10.5 and not episode 11. It was posted on April Fools day so it is a dead giveaway. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

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Wow I am so Shocked that This works every year for you. I thought your public would be smarter than that.... guess not!

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april fools is a fun day, don't you think? All the people of the internet freaking out about just about anything anyone says to them. This is fake. And to all those who believe it, next time you find information, check the date. If it's on April 1st, March 31st, hell, any day near April Fools day, immediately recognize it is bogus, and wait a few more days for accurate information to surface. If it turns out that it's true, then oh well, no big deal. But noone in their right mind will say anything important or make any big announcement on April 1st that's true. If it's worth mentioning, it's worth waiting a few days so people will actually believe you.

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something tells me that mr freeman isn't going out "Boba fett" style

by that I mean Like a bitch

either way lookin' forward to the next CP keep up the good work

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April Fools....right....?


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this better be a april fools joke because i like this show it makes me laugh

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I certainly hope that one or both of your decisions are April Fool's jokes.

But if not, I enjoyed what you've done so far! <3

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I hope all of you are joking. IT'S A FUCKING APRIL FOOL'S DAY JOKE!!! Jesus Christ, is everyone on this site a mindless vegetable that has no sense of time or space?
My God, I had no idea that the IQ of the Internet was this low!

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I'd love for more episodes. Why not just skip to midway important parts in the game and do it? That would be a lot better than starting from so early. Please. At least for the fans.

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Why? I realize that its your series so you have the right to end it whenever you want, but so many people love this series. This series has virtually made you a celebrity on Youtube and Machinina.com, so why abandon it now? I agree with the other people here, maybe you need a break, because I realize that you may run out of jokes due to the high concentration of them in each episode.

...wait, is this an April Fool's joke? Even if, I am being totally honest in the above text.

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Come on Mr. Scott!! Ever since i saw episode 1 ive been hooked! Please don't end it here, your a smart and funny guy you can push it! I believe in you!

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More like Freeman's Mind: Episode 10.25!

See you tomorrow. Good Trick.

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hey does anyone else know its APRIL FOOLS DAY

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HAY Guys what day was the video posted? XD

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Happy April Fool's Day Mr. Scott.

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Aha! I was right! You aren't posting my comment because I thought this was an April Fool's Joke. I was the one who said:

"Why? I realize that its your series so you have the right to end it whenever you want, but so many people love this series. This series has virtually made you a celebrity on Youtube and Machinina.com, so why abandon it now? I agree with the other people here, maybe you need a break, because I realize that you may run out of jokes due to the high concentration of them in each episode.

...wait, is this an April Fool's joke? Even if, I am being totally honest in the above text."

Nice one Mr. Scott, you had me fooled for hours. I never noticed until i typed my previous statement. Can't wait to see the reaction from people when they find out.

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"Why? I realize that its your series so you have the right to end it whenever you want, but so many people love this series. This series has virtually made you a celebrity on Youtube and Machinina.com, so why abandon it now? I agree with the other people here, maybe you need a break, because I realize that you may run out of jokes due to the high concentration of them in each episode.

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Ross: Wisconsin. Somewhere near the middle, really small town, starts with "M".

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