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quick FM update

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Update: I just remembered the previous context of the line in whichever episode it was; your interpretation, Ross, of my quote is actually easier to arive at than mine. My bad.

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That is good news can't wait foe episode 10!!! Good luck on the new website

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Hey man, I just had a small question

is that your voice?

Keep up the good work!

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Can you post up FM in high quality .mp4? I'm having problems converting WMVs. Great series BTW.

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Good luck with FM; it's my favorite web-series. =)

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That's Machinima for you. Keep up the great work.

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I personally don't care if the transitions are a bit jumpy, I've seen some pretty bad machinima, and if you persistantly odd, quirky and generally funny I really don't think anyone can complain.

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I just love this series! You rock! Can't wait for the next FM and CP episodes!

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keep it up man amazing work !!!!

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Ross, your Civil Protection videos have changed my life. One day I was just surfing around Facebook and I found a link to one of your videos...and the rest is history. Your videos brighten my day and allow me to laugh even when I'm terribly upset. I've made all of my friends watch "Friday" and since then they were also hooked on your series. We constantly pass notes to each other with a quote from one of your episodes on it during class to one another. You have made high school fun again for us. I look forward to your next episode of Civil Protection and I would like to thank you on the behalf of my friends: Crystal, Shelby, Erika, Olivia, and many more due to your great work.

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Ross! you're genius, man)) keep up at your great work on FM:-)

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Jeremy: I don't have software setup to encode in .mp4, but I could consider it down the line.

Votekick: I'm basically ignoring them since they are level load transitions I can't really fix. FM is generally going to get less polish than CP.

Karen: Hey cool, female fans, I don't get many of those! I'm glad you like the videos, the next CP should definitely be a crowd pleaser, I don't think many will be disappointed by it.

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"I can't promise anything, but that's my goal."
so does that mean your goal is to not promise anything?

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Thanks for the update. keep up the great work!

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Pfft, you totally have female fans.

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Not to seem like a mooch or anything like that, but I was wondering if you needed an extra voice actor for any reason? Obviously, I don't expect pay or anything like that, I just do some voices from time to time, and would love to help if you're ever doing a Team Fortress thing...or really anything. I quite handily impersonate the Soldier, the Scout, and others. A HUGE fan of your work! I've gotten in trouble for laughing in work more times than I can count, and loved every moment of it.

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dude awesome work bro, please keep them coming, i want to see episodes stemming all the way into HL2 episode 2 if you don't run outta jokes by then lol.

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Keep it up man. You havent produced a bad episode yet so I can wait as long as it is gonna take.

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I recently found your videos when procrastinating, browsing YouTube. Most of the stuff you find on the Internet that people say are funny really are not. 95% of it is either downright plagiarized, unoriginal, or not funny in the first place. The other 4% is "chuckle to yourself" funny. This is the kind of stuff that gets rave reviews everywhere (the 95% get insincere "lols" and subscriptions on YouTube). Freeman's Mind is part of that one percent of content that is creative and actually makes yourself laugh out loud. You took a game that was very well heard of, yet not everybody has played (HL2 is well heard of and everybody has played), so to many people each event in the game is new. Even to the people who have played it, the humorous dialog makes it fresh. You also chose a game with a very high number of options for interactions with the environment, making the whole series seem believable, while not using a non-linear game that would require much boring wandering around (Far Cry 2).

The dialog itself remains consistent with a single personality throughout all of the episodes (excellent choice of personality. The contrast with the type of environment is awesome), without being too over-the-top. My one gripe is that he still seems to be super-human and fearless, but this is easily forgivable due to the nature of linear video games.

The editing is seamless. The only production errors I really noticed were some cuts where the camera seems to shift. These were few, and I predict they were either points where new parts of the map were loading, or you had to go back and refilm because you died or misrecorded. The video is synced with the audio, and the actions of the character on-screen correspond with the changes in mood, attitude, and spikes of excitement in the voice.

I want MOAR.

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