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LA Noire *Spoiler Free*

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I finished the game the other day. Overall, I'd give it an 8 or a 9. I have some issues with the way the gameplay is kind of black and white when in an interview, but the part of the game that shined was in the intricate and involved storytelling, as well as the way each character felt real (not just visually). My favorite part was definitely the story arch of homicide. My opinion of the game kind of decreases after the start of Vice. I'm not going to give anything away, but there are decisions the main character made which I just didn't like, and it kind of took me out of the mindset of being fully behind Cole as a hero.

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This is another game I wish they'd release on PC...

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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This is another game I wish they'd release on PC...

It's not on PC? I don't want it then.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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It's Rockstar, therefore it is quality. I wonder why they didn't release on PC though? I'd get it for PS3 anyway, IMO consoles have a superior control scheme when it comes to 3rd person games.

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It's Rockstar, therefore it is quality. I wonder why they didn't release on PC though? I'd get it for PS3 anyway, IMO consoles have a superior control scheme when it comes to 3rd person games.

All console controllers are PC compatible. XBOX and PS3 controllers just need a driver, and you can use them in any game.


Consoles < PC

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Consoles < PC


Just, stop. Did you even notice what this thread is actually about?

Did you read what specifically I was replying to?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Consoles < PC


Just, stop. Did you even notice what this thread is actually about?

Did you read what specifically I was replying to?


Yes, someone gave an offhand opinion about the merits of a console controller in a 3rd person game. You took the opportunity to derail the point of the thread and belittle a perfectly viable option for playing games. Just go away. You obviously have never played LA Noire.

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Yes, someone gave an offhand opinion about the merits of a console controller in a 3rd person game. You took the opportunity to derail the point of the thread and belittle a perfectly viable option for playing games.

It wasn't really derailed until you decided to make a big deal of me telling him that he could use that same control scheme on a PC.


Just go away. You obviously have never played LA Noire.

Why? I can't have an opinion on it simply because I haven't played it?





Now, back on topic...


I don't want it solely because it isn't a PC title. I wanted it to be a PC title so I could play it though.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm playing this game right now. I was expecting Heavy Rain, but it's much more than that I've found. I haven't (and should at some point) watch the kinds of movies the game is based off of. I find it crazy how it looks so much different in colour than black and white. The amount of work put into each person in the game is just phenomenal, from what they did to get the amount of facial animation each character has to the amount of talent have portraying the characters. Currently I can't say much about the story, but it seems pretty cool, even if it is a really short amount of time as Cole goes up the ranks.

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