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Lovin' the series!

Hmm.... Source but not Half life.... that leaves TF2, CS:S, Portal, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Sin Eps, day of defeat....... and Oh yeah... LEFT 4 DEAD.

I'm thinking Tf2 or L4d.

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Well Ross, you're the boss, and if you believe this new series will succeed, it probably will. It just sounds to me like you are putting way to much work on your shoulders. I also hope and pray that your animation will get easier as you say it will, because, of not, than there will be less production, which means less fans, which could lead to the end. Hypothetically speaking.

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Doubters: It may not be the best idea to juggle 3 series, but I at least want to make this pilot episode and see how it does. There will likely be a long gap between the 1st and 2nd episode if I do continue it. Also chill out, all I have right now is a script and a voice actor picked out for the lead role (it won't be me). FM and CP are still the priority for now.

Also here's a hint: It's not Dark Messiah, although I do want to do something with that or a fantasy game eventually. I'm just not crazy enough to attempt 4 series yet.

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I'm looking forward to your new web site and new CP, FM, and pilot series! Good luck Ross!

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I'm looking forward to more of your work Ross. I enjoy both Civil Protection an Freeman's Mind, and I'm sure your new series will provide us with hours of entertainment.

I do have a question for you, Ross. If you do ever get through all of Half-Life with Freeman's Mind, and continue into Half-Life 2, would you slip a reference to Civil Protection in it?

Say like Freeman walking up to Dave during Point insertion, only to be pushed away?

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Freeman's Mind is 100 times better than CPs ;D MORE FAST! ^^

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Alright. The reason I'm here is because of Freeman's Mind - the first video I've watched by Ross Scott. However, after that I've found your Civil Protection series which are great as well. In my opinion FM is a lot better and I'm refreshing your site like twice a day waiting for new episode
I still can't wait for another FM Episode.

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FM is not funny at all, but thats ok since I've been boycotting humor successfully since 1989. Still it instills great fear in feline creatures. I shall worship episode #9!

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nice... AWESOME...
but one question. are you going to change to blackmesa source for freemans mind as soon it's available?^^...
However, great job.

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Glad to see you're still alive Ross. Now, I have a couple questions:

What do you think of the current Half-life games?

What do you think of Valve?

What do you think of Valve's other games?

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Wow, a third episode? At least it will be a pilot, so you aren't necessarily committed to it. Will look forward to seeing it.

Pjotr: I personally don't think FM is incredibly funny either, but that's just because its not my style. I can see how it is funny to a vast majority of people though. Good job Ross!

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last "piolt" episode was an april fools joke and that only around the coner so... watch for another prank

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By the way Ross- if I may ask - you're doing all of this work on CP, FM and this new episode, plus the website - that is all VERY time consuming-

I don't know if this is rude or not, i'm just curious/concerned:

how are you affording anything? How are you even eating?

I'm a spoiled little boy still living with his mom, if it makes you feel any better.

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Yea it's me again Ross.

The Left 4 Dead DLC was given out so um--

What do you use to record your stuff?

Pretty please?

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Oh boy I can't wait!

I started playing Half-Life a few days ago and I laughed my ass off when I got to this one part early on in "On a Rail." I'll give you an hint: It reminded me of a joke in Episode 3 at a little after 3:00. You'll see what I mean when you play that part.

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Hey ross, i think we all support you in what you choose to do because you are funny in no matter what format. And people tend to do better when they do something they are inspired of.
Good Luck

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AleksanderK here

Source recorder is used to record the CP and FM.

You can google it and find alot of tutorial for source recorder

it is easy

in console type

record nameofthefile

then type


when done

this records the demo

demo can be recorded to avi. just type

startmovie nameofmovie avi

playdemo nameofthefile

then type



all this and more in youtube tutorials

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