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Freeman's Mind - Episode 33

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It's me again with subtitles for the latest Freeman's Mind.


There's a scene where Gordon/Ross talks over a scientist and I had a bit of trouble with the timing on that and trying to keep it sane for the subtitling. Hope it works out for you.




(If you see any issues with these subtitles, please let me know! Thanks!)

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I think it might be a good idea to translate the Spanish voice into English subtitles, but that's just me.

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I think it's fine the way it is. "Cinco dinero" to me, is "five money"....which doesn't really make sense to me...so translating it wouldn't work for me. Also, it's funnier if it remains untranslated.


I'm also not 100% sure that I got the right words (I don't speak Spanish, though I know a few words). If the words are incorrect, could someone please let me know?

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In reference to the top post in this page by J.C: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1417&start=34


He says "Quiero un poco de drogas, ¿donde están? Tengo dinero" which means "I want some drugs, where are they? I have money"

If that's any help. Good job on this anyway, man.

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