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I can't wait for the HD downloads...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Nice episode! I particularly like freeman's speculations on black mesa's spending and the

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I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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man he didn't lie. He's cranking these video's out as fast as machinima lets him. Glad to see it though. <3

Retired Forum Moderator

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all i have to say is:




that is all

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Somehow I knew that Freeman would try to find a way to bypass the piston section. He might have done some crazy things in his life, but I don't think he's willing to take flying leaps between grinding pistons and risk being grinded into mincemeat a'la Physicist.


I'm curious to see how he'll deal with the cold room and the Black Ops.

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Oh yeah, this episode is soo good;)

Keep going, Ross, you're awesome.


I love it. Esspecially when Freeman starts to talk with that sciencist at the end about drugs xP

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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I had the same reaction when that scientist told me I was being tracked. XD Loved the lines at the end and the skipping of the stupid piston jumping...

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"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Lol, I never jumped over the pistons... I always just turned the generator on because, well, the same reason as Freeman I just want to push every button in sight (that's how I once blew up a PC and crashed half a computer room in high-school). Then I'd use the metal crate, slide it over to the other side of the room and use it to climb onto the catwalk.


Loved the 482 as well, will soon be implementing that in my own server, now to find a 12-gauge...

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I think I just discovered my new favourite rant in the series.


What is wrong with everyone? I am finding it disturbing how little I'm seeing aliens fight the soldiers or soldiers fight the aliens. Everyone is trying to kill me and unarmed civilians. How dysfunctional is that? It's like they think if I die, all their problems will magically be solved. What are they thinking? When the Japanese invaded Pearl Harbor, was our first priority to send the troops in to start killing off all the remaining dock workers?


His rant about the security guard telling him that it'd be easy to turn the power back on still wins in hilarity value, though.

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Oh, and does anyone understand what Gordon is saying to the scientist before the scientist reveals, in a shocking twist, that he speaks English? Unlike Gordon (and Ross?), I am not a polyglot. Working at it, but not yet, and not with that language.

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Oh, and does anyone understand what Gordon is saying to the scientist before the scientist reveals, in a shocking twist, that he speaks English? Unlike Gordon (and Ross?), I am not a polyglot. Working at it, but not yet, and not with that language.

I think it's likely it's just gibberish.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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Nice episode Ross. I love how you solve rationally some of the most annoying parts of the game.


Oh, and does anyone understand what Gordon is saying to the scientist before the scientist reveals, in a shocking twist, that he speaks English? Unlike Gordon (and Ross?), I am not a polyglot. Working at it, but not yet, and not with that language.

He says "Quiero un poco de drogas, ¿donde están? Tengo dinero" which means "I want some drugs, where are they? I have money"


I think it's likely it's just gibberish.

Nope my friend, that's spanish.


I've seen you write in what I assume is your native tongue. To me it sounded like Klingon or something

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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I love that Ross is really starting to crank out these episodes at a comparatively lighting-quick pace. Hopefully Machinima will eventually catch on and upload them quicker as well.


Great work once again, Ross, and best of luck in all your future endeavors.

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Nice work Ross. Can't wait for the download to be up.


There's just something I really want to know:

When Freeman puts away his current weapon it actually moves from view, rather than disappearing using an r_drawviewmodel bind. How do you do this?

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Did anyone punch Freeman in the mouth for the pun?


And those tracking devices. All that work to get away, only to find out that he was still leading them towards himself.

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Nice work Ross. Can't wait for the download to be up.


There's just something I really want to know:

When Freeman puts away his current weapon it actually moves from view, rather than disappearing using an r_drawviewmodel bind. How do you do this?

Looks like a reversed animation of when you switch to a weapon.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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