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It just struck me that I would love to see a CP episode in which Mike and Dave (and possibly some random people in the background) randomly start dancing the 'Superman'. Probably is a bad idea, but I have linked a video of this dance for your enjoyment.



Any comments, or other dance routines you would like to see in the CP series would be much appreciated.

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I have linked a video of this dance for your enjoyment.


That video is an abomination.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Animating is hard. I know first hand.

Unless it would be relevant to the story, it should not be there.

That's a horribly blunt fact. :V


However you could animate it yourself, if you have Team Fortress 2 and the patience to figure yourself out how to use Maya, which can be obtained for free if you're a student. http://students.autodesk.com/

Team Fortress 2 includes complete animation rigs, if you install the game and download SourceSDK. They'll be located in Program Files\Steam\steamapps\"Username"\sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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im sorry, off topic...

but your tag says the resurrection of jesus is intellectually credible... no, no it is not. Existentially Satisfying, well yes, but...

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Stay on topic, frozt.

I imagine it would take forever to animate that.

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I don't know... CP has never really been "on topic", if you will, but having them randomly dancing like that for no apparent reason just doesn't click right in my mind.


Now as an animation skit, it'd work, but an actual episode of CP, meh. I guess it could work if you looked at it from the "Halloween" episode stand point where they're doing it as part of their job, you can begin to make it work.


Though I gotta say, I do see some mike and dave attitude going on between the 2 people in that video.

Retired Forum Moderator

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i dont really think that would work since its REALLY out of script but still it would take FOREVER to make it.

just saying its a bad idea

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