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how you found FM

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I had already subscribed to Machinima because at the time I was into Arby and the Chief (and I still have a decent respect for the first few seasons of Arby and the Chief.) and I saw the picture of FM in subscription box. I was curious and check it out (I don't remember what episode I started on.. It might've been around 7?), and I went back and watched the earlier ones and have been hooked every since.

"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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I was on the Machinima.com, back when they actually had some videos on one website, and was searching through the Half-Life section, I found Civil Protection and then found out about Freeman's Mind from there. Now I go to this site every day hoping to see if the next episode came out.

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I was browsing on a Hungarian video sharing site called indavideo, when I saw the CP episode "Friday". First I thought it was an amateur video, then began to wonder why would anyone make subtitles (Hungarian ones) to an amateur video. I watched it, it was my first CP episode. Then I watched the other ones. Then began to search more related videos on youtube, that's how I found Freeman's Mind, which then only consisted of 4 episodes. I've been following ever since.

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I found it 2 years ago when i still played Runescape (which sucks now because of the updates) i was watching a "tehnoobshow" Machinima video and FM was in the video suggestions. At the time i found it, the last one was episode 12 (i think)

Also known as "Username"

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I found it 2 years ago when i still played Runescape (which sucks now because of the updates) i was watching a "tehnoobshow" Machinima video and FM was in the video suggestions. At the time i found it, the last one was episode 12 (i think)

i played rs when i was twelve, almost three years ago now, but then i found steam... and portal.

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I can't remember exactly how I started watching FM, but I think it was to do with Civil Protection. I think I was just browsing Machinima's YouTube channel one day and came across it, seeing Ross Scott's name and I was like: "Hey, it's that guy who does Civil Protection".


Or something like that.

"I tell you one thing: I've been to a parallel universe, I've seen time running backwards, I've played pool with planets, and I've given birth to twins, but I never thought in my entire life I'd taste an edible Pot Noodle."

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I found FM because I was writing a live action parody of Half-Life and it had been years since I'd owned the game. I found out of all the walk-throughs this was by far the most enjoyable.

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I saw a bunch of freeman's mind videos in the related videos section when I was browsing through half life vids. I ignored it for awhile, until I found "The trials of Gordon Freeman",(a great sieries!) in which the comments the creator said he wasn't ripping off freeman's mind like everyone kept saying. So I finally gave into my curiosity, and watched it. AND I HAVE BEEN WATCHING IT FAITHFULLY EVER SINCE!

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Me: *Walks over to friend*

Me: Hey! What's this...

Friend: *intensive laughter*

Me: *Gets curious and sits beside friend*

Me: *intensive laughter* WHAT IS THIS?!?!

Friend: Freeman's Mind



Me: Freeman's Mind... Freeman's Mind... I think I'll search it up... Just for a bit...


<13 episodes later>


Me: *intensive laughter* hehe... *looks at clock* AW, IT'S 10:00PM ALREADY? Oh well, it's Saturday tomorrow. *continues watching until episode 16*


I think 16 episodes in 6 hours, of which 60% is waiting for the video to buffer, is a good illustration of how good Ross's work is.

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i did the same...


"I actually searched for Half-Life videos on YouTube while I was watching "Half-Life in 60 seconds" which is funny as hell. Then I stumbled across Freeman's Mind since it came up in the same search. And since then I was hooked."


i was watching easter eggs an find hl in 60 seconds, then freeman's mind (i guess was 21)

i watch the first 3 minutes. stopped, found the playlind and i saw all of it. i am watching since then.

btw i am from brazil. so sorry for any bad english... :mrgreen:

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I found it because of my friends username from steam actually. His old account (wich is now deleted) had the username freemansmind138. I thought the freemansmind thing might be something that could be real, so i looked it up, and hola! I got turned onto freemans mind and have watched them faithfully ever since.

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Believe it or not I was on gamestop looking at cheats for half life, and a side video said something about people watching freemans mind off to the side. It was around june last year

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I was on machinima.com looking at random hl machinima and found it. I think it was at ep. 12 or something.

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i was watching one of the CP episodes, Halloween safety, i think, and it was in the recommended sections, watched the first episodes, and i thought "huh this isnt bad", then watched the rest and i was hooked, im pretty sure Ross is inadvertently responsible for saving my life, believe it or not.


been a fan of it since round about episode 9

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I think I actually found FM through machinima, I got into gaming and youtube... probably 2-3 years ago. So that's when I started getting interested in what happened in the gaming world, found Inside Gaming as an accessible way of following it, and found FM amongst Machinima's other uploads. Needless to say, it really stuck with me, unlike 99% of the other uploads on machinima.

I don't think I'll ever get into the games... I don't really know why. On a brighter note, this thread has reminded me that I really need to rewatch all the episodes some time. How 'bout now?


Edit: I think I started when episode 11 was the newest episode... I guess I have been watching for some time now O.O I think I was unconsciously assuming all AF people were FM fans from very long ago, way before my time, but it seems I too belong in that category.

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I'm not quite sure, in all honesty. I remember watching them on this site, but I don't know how I got here. All I'm sure of is that I watched them all in fucking go and never looked back.

I love you, yet can't stand to know you exist.

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I found Freeman's Mind through a friend that linked me to episode 17 I believe. I watched it and just sort of shrugged it off for awhile. When I got bored a couple of weeks later, I started to watch it from episode 1. From that point on, I've been stalking FM, waiting for new episodes. I've since them started watching Civil Protection as well, and I must say, as much as I love FM, I'm starting to like CP more for various different reasons.

"I am Captain Gordon Freeman of the Intergalactic House of Pancakes ordering you to open!"

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