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Shine: Die Angst hat einen Namen (1996)

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Shine: Die Angst hat einen Namen is a German horror-themed fmv-game from 1996. It generally recieved bad ratings and I've yet to talk to someone who as actually played it. I only knew it at the time because there was some kind of demo on a CD in a magazine back then. I couldn't start the demo for some reason, I only could access the individual video files. They were gruesome, strange and absolutely trippy. Having nothing from the story to connect them in any way made it even more insane.

Two or three years ago, it came back to my mind and I bought a copy on ebay. I never managed to run it on a modern machine with emulations. So I have just the weird ideas of those haunting contextless videos. Maybe it's the best it remains that way. It's more mysterious, while the game is probably just bad. Maybe I can use them in a short story.


If you want get an impression of the game, here are two videos:



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