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I guess I might as well ask another question: is it also socially acceptable in terms of these Videochat Questions to ask the same question across multiple months, if the previous times it didn't get enough votes to be considered? Maybe wording it better so that your point is better communicated? I mean, after the 5th time you should obviously go "it's not happening, time to retire this question" but what about just 2 or 3 times? 


*And I guess to be more specific, when I say "socially accetable" I more mean "will I look annoying?"



I guess I might as well ask another question: is it also socially acceptable in terms of these Videochat Questions to ask the same question across multiple months, if the previous times it didn't get enough votes to be considered? Maybe wording it better so that your point is better communicated? I mean, after the 5th time you should obviously go "it's not happening, time to retire this question" but what about just 2 or 3 times? 

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