1 hour ago, FullBusinessSuit said:I wasn't taking the inflammatory trolling and I said I'd dump a bag of trash in the park for every non-answer to my inquiry I got. That still stands by the way, and I already dumped the trash in the park for the non-answers I got in that post.
QuoteWhy is it always childless atheists that reeeee the hardest about climate change?
Of all people they have the least incentive to care, and no one should listen to them? Why do they reeeee the hardest?
You can't dole it out and then complain when shit gets thrown back at you.
Let's look at another example from that thread:
QuotePlease don't post angry comments here. You know who you are.
QuoteMaybe you're on to something. Atheists are just pussies who can't handle global warming. Maybe they should do like Disturbed and FUCK OFF AND DIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Explanation as to why childless atheists who have the least incentive of any demographic in the world to care reeeeee harder than people with children about global warming or shut your pseudointellectual mouth!!!!!
This is so tone deaf that it borders on comical.
Either you're a troll, or you need to do some serious soul searching. It doesn't matter what your stance is, no one with any modicum of self-respect will listen to the blathering rhetoric of petulant poster that can't even roll with the same punches he throws.