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bugs again

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A lot of you know that bugs in the source engine are nothing new when it comes to my videos, but I honestly wasn't expecting them to affect Freeman's Mind. Lo and behold, Half-Life Source has a bug where if you're recording a demo, it causes the tongues on almost all barnacle models to shrink up, even though in-game they're still hanging down, just invisible (try it yourself). This interrupts my usual production method, so I've contemplated the alternatives:


1. Ignore it (which isn't a great option since there are a lot of them in the game)

2. Use fraps to record footage instead (not a good option for me since I always get SOME stuttering this way)


3. Record the game in Half-Life original (not a bad option, but the effects won't be quite as nice, plus recording will be more of a pain)

4. Export the footage in-game without using demos (best option, but no more motion blur)


So what this comes down to is demo recording in Half Life Source is bugged, so I won't be able to rely on it for all the episodes. So if you're wondering why there's no more motion blur in the next episode, this is it. Also as a standing offer, if anyone can FIX this problem with barnacles and demo recording, I'll add your name to the credits of every future episode of Freeman's Mind that has barnacles in it, which will probably be a lot.

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dont worry about it, im sure it wil still be goos

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Just as a workaround, just have freeman attribute being pulled up by an invisible tongue to telekinesis or something. I would rather that there not be a delay in the production of these videos, as they are amazing.

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pdan4: I don't think that will work, it looks like the physical model is being moved. It's probably a glitchy animation, I ran into something similar when I made CP: Aliens, but was able to brute-force it in Hammer, which isn't an option here.

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i've filmed some stuff in half-life deathmatch source using demos in the past, and way back when, I remember recording demos in HLDMS of a group playing in one of the single player levels with barnacles, and it seemed to turn out fine from what I remember...I don't really understand why HL:S and HLDM:S would make a difference, though. to go to the single player levels in HLDM:S, you'd type "map c1a-whatever" in console. you can type maps * for a list. i'll check that out for you sometime to see if I get what you get in HL:S.

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I had it once, when i was recording some gameplay, i noticed it and asked my friend. He came over and fixed it, could ask him.

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If anything, go for option 4. Granted, motion blur is cool, but it isnt necessary for the video to be awesome.

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i did not even noticed motion blur
so ireally dont care about it

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Xanatos: It does the same thing in HL2DMS too, though it's very possible that when you tried it, it worked. This wouldn't be the first bug Valve has introduced that wasn't originally there.

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option 4 would probaly be best, really hope you can get it working, I'd hate to see Freeman's mind end. Love it more and more every episode!

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option for is the best if you can't find a solution. Try searching the net for possible solutions though first.

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Could you show us a sample of what Freemans Mind would look like without motion blur just to see if it looks as bad you make it sound.

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JPC: I may be cynical, but unless it was for TF2 or L4D, I may as well be reporting to Santa Claus.

Serbdude: I'd be amazed if anyone wrote anything else on this, the majority of problems I run into have no documentation whatsoever.

Knights of Ni: It's not the lack of motion blur, so much as what I see when playing isn't the same speed as what's recorded, so it becomes jerkier.

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I would go with option 4, but i would also find some massive code geek who could fix the problem or ask Valve about fixing it (if one fails, go to the other). Maybe the animation could be patched up seperately then patched into the game to replace the old one.(though many more bug problems could arise from that, but i dont know a whole lot about this stuff, so i cant really say).

BUT, if you do ask Valve to fix the bug, remind them who is currently promoting their material with his videos... just to add some urgency/importance.

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I just saw the response to JPC, so go with the massive code geek. Sorry, but i dont have anything else, i dont know THAT much about the code stuff, at least not enough to have any idea how to fix it in a simple manner. Maybe somehow reinstalling the particular animation. Im better at interpretting possible jokes for the series. I can see Freeman now, at the box jumping part.... "What the hell? When did Black Mesa open the acrobatics division? Wait... maybe that's what the whole 'more people may depend on your fitness' crap was. Now i get it, they'd rather their employees work harder rather than put in a SIMPLE STAIRCASE. The 'things to sue Black Mesa over' just keeps getting longer and longer....

[iffy part next] well either that or they saw how popular World of Warcraft was getting in the research department. Man, that thing is better at controlling people than the goverment. And that's saying something."

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Although I don't have any advice, I do have a question.

Any chance of redoing former episodes for Black Mesa Source when that beautifull, beautifull and also very very free source mod coems out?

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