On the vaccine topic, it's been possible to implant very small chips inside people, power them using biochemical energy and read the data their gathering with a wireless signal, like wifi, since at least 2012, and this is not a secret, or at least, it isn't meant to be hidden information. There was a wifi chip already in use that someone could swallow, and it would send back information about the user's health. And there is no reason a company, from a game theory standpoint, isn't going to capture any extra data they can get, and put it to use milking people for their life energies in one way or another.
In addition to this, Bill Gates has taken center stage as spokesman for the plandemic and has managed to completely dodge all questioning about his numerous visits to Israeli pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island where the largest and most intense child sex trafficking ring in the history of the world was centered, all while pushing for microchipping humans with a PATENTED tattoo style system. This is not a secret, this is not a conspiracy, and it's already underway. The propaganda machine has already started the narrative that people will be completely disqualified and all other narratives to soften up people, as these corporations, that are one with the state, have used many times before. And if anyone here knows about software development roll outs, it's the exact same system used to test new software - except the programming being done here is on the human mind, and this is nothing new.
Part of the reason these 1984 style attacks on the American public by the state/corps is because of deglobalization and the CIA coming home with nothing else to do. So the CIA is applying their thinking, in hopes to keep their jobs, to the American public. It's the reason behind the corruption of the word "terrorist" to mean "any violent act"; they're playing on the political activist commoners' wishes to destroy their enemies in hopes the government will start drone striking their enemies' houses. That's not going to happen, but it doesn't stop frothing-at-the-mouth political activists from hoping for it.
The mask wearing is a compliance test and nothing more. Studies, before the politicization of illness, clearly indicate that masks are ineffective against preventing contraction and spreading of diseases, and it even says on the box that the mask does not mitigate covid 19 whatsoever (I'm not interested in responses trying to convince me otherwise, I even went to my local hospital and asked them to inject me with the virus so i could prove to everyone i know that it wasn't deadly - and i don't know anyone who knows anyone who's gotten this virus (inb4 cvoid is cunspearacy_))
Everyone seems to love it when there's an Asian source for information on a topic and that alone persuades them, so here's that.
The Japs even say they don't believe it prevents disease contraction or spreading, rather, it's to do what everyone else is doing, which is definitely something women are more susceptible to than men, i.e. social conformity, and this observation can plainly be seen in USA.
In my personal experience women were trying to say they were doing it because of how Smart™ they were to understand Science™ and also the !!!LAW!!! said they had to, rather than social conformity, but human behavioral trends going back thousands of years across every single human habitat on earth is where my stance lies, even if I'm wrong.
Let's use some common sense here: We clearly did not see swaths of deaths in the groups of people burning, looting and murdering in the Minneapolis retail outlet deglobalization insurance scam riots - hell, there wasn't even a rise in sicknesses, and there was nothing in the news about rioters being out of commission or hospitals flooded with ill rioters.... so no, the prolific aspect of the plandemic's virus is not happening and never was and will not with covid-19 (more like novid-19). The national guard was told to stand down or protect the riots from outside influence (if they were going to do anything). There is quite a bit of knowledge to extract from this example, so I'll skip other examples. But we also all played games about spreading diseases, like Plague Inc (I think that was the name of the flash game that did the exact same thing), and, in general, what the news has been claiming simply is not how diseases spread or work. Lastly, the black plague did not even wipe out all of humanity and that was allowed to freely spread without a single human on earth knowing what it was or how it was happening in any capacity - the very worst case scenario, and humans are still alive.
The CDC even reported on their own website at the height of the panic that there were not many deaths and what deaths were there are people who were very old and/or very weakened already, and this has been, still is and always will be in play and therefore it is a negligible detail.
I have not taken a single precaution against this strain of an already existing virus, and I definitely haven't worn that SILLY ASS MASK, and I haven't been sick at all (although I *would* let myself be injected with it to prove to everyone it's just a normal sickness - but youtube would censor my videos, as they've done with everything that didn't go with the state/corp propaganda). This entire thing is an obvious cover for deglobalization. Nothing more. Nothing less.
The more people cooperate with these nonsense rules the less freedoms you'll have. You're not making the world a better place. You're not a hero. You're not "saving the day". You're not saving lives. You're not going to be president of the USA for being a reeeeeing political activist - you're not going to change the world. Go back to your life, and start tending to things within your sphere of influence.