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Sottotitoli in Italiano - ALTRE SERIE, NON "FREEMAN"

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On 12/12/2021 at 9:34 PM, BIRB said:

Good news: I did manage to find something similar to my previous job. I moved from collecting "bulky trash" (mostly broken/old pieces of furniture and big electrical appliances) to collecting everyday trash like paper or plastic.

Bad news: the scheduling built me an entirely new ass so that it could kick my ass twice as hard.

Glad to hear this. Hope your new job goes well. :D

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Ecco i sottotitoli di "Barney's Mind - Episode 14?", l'episodio "scherzo" sul canale di IRAMightyPirate.


Here's the subtitles of "Barney's Mind - Episode 14?", the "joke" episode on IRAMightyPirate's channel.

Barney's Mind 14questionmark.srt

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Mi sono appena reso conto che, in tutto questo tempo, ho erroneamente scritto "Shepard" invece di Shephard.


I just realized that, all this time, I wrongly wrote "Shepard" instead of Shephard.



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Per migliaia di anni, sono rimasto sopito. Chi osa disturbare—

No, aspettate, sono rimasto incasinato col lavoro negli ultimi tempi, quindi sono mesi che non carico un sottotitolo. Scusatemi per la lunga pausa.

Comunque, ecco Shephard's Mind episodio 16. Ignorate il primo link perché il forum ha deciso di fare le bizze.


For thousands of years, I lay dormant. Who has disturbed my—

No, wait, I had problems at my work in the last times, so it has been months without uploading a subtitle. Sorry for the long hiatus.

Anyway, here's Shephard's Mind episode 16. Ignore the first link because the forum has decided to throw a tantrum.

Shephard's Mind 16.srt

Shephard's Mind 16.srt

Edited by BIRB (see edit history)

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Barney's Mind 15, parte 1. Poi farò la parte 2, l'episodio 18 di Shephard's Mind, e poi le restanti parti del finale di Barney's Mind.


Barney's Mind 15, part 1. Then I'll do part 2, episode 18 of Shephard's Mind, and then the remaining parts of Barney's Mind's ending.

Barney's Mind 15 (part 1).srt

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Shephard's Mind, episodio 19. E d'ora in poi, alternerò Shephard con... Parker's Mind.


Shephard's Mind, episode 19. And from now on, I'm gonna alternate Shephard with... Parker's Mind.

Shephard's Mind 19.srt

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