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Did Ross lost it?

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Did Ross lost his passion for making videos?

There were ok series before, but not like several in a row.

Harry Buster - trash, Black Future 88 - crap, Hedgehog heroes - made by the book, Clans - "this episode is not bad", Hellgate London - well despite unappealing looking game which affected this episode, at first it was good episode, but when Ross begun talking like whiny ass along with devil voice - the level of awkwardness reached the limit where I felt cringy and like turning off the episode.

I almost never felt cringe watching Game Dungeon before. Wtf RROSSS?! I almost never felt jokes and funny things told by Ross forced. Am I the odd one here?

I there were episodes where Ross did his voice as whiny ass like in Cave Saga - but the episode is gold. One of my favorite.

There were episodes where Ross screamed like DIE-DIE in Still not dead. But I never felt that it was forced.

But in the past several episodes I feel like Ross lost something.

I also thinking about making rating table for Game Dungeon, where I can share which episodes are a gods gift and which are just crap.

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38 minutes ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

i mean, it couldn't hurt, so feel free to rank the videos


i kinda liked the hell voice stuff though, i mean maybe it was a bit cringy near the end, when he over did it but, i felt pretty entertained


clans for me was more about the journey to hell, uh, backwards hell, i was just curious to see where the game went next so, it grabbed my attention at least, i can't complain


1. Bozos's Night Out
2. Whatever

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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It's not crippling. Not like highschool, where random drug screens for athletes forced me to walk around with an enema bag filled with fresh piss strapped to my thigh. 

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Not every episode is going to be equally strong, but I'm absolutely not seeing an obvious downward trend in quality, personally. I enjoyed the Satan cameo too, but then again I'm also apparently one of the few people who enjoyed watching Freeman get high on morphine so maybe I'm just weird.

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Ok, Ross almost redeemed himself with Daemonica episode - it's a solid one. Except he might have used that voice he used in Veil of Darkness when he voiced over talking tree or bartender - I love this part. Every time I watch Veil of Darkness I playback several times over those lines, especially when Chuck burns the tree.

And wow three episodes almost one hour length in a row - I like that!

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…yeah, I'm not exactly seeing how he “lost his passion”. I think of all the episodes, Black Future ’88 and the Halloween sampler packs are my least favourite since there wasn’t much material for Ross to play off. The main thing I like about the videos is how smoothly he is able to go onto tangents, saying things no-one else has about the game he’s covering. I don’t think that has changed any. I guess his style has changed—just compare how much less energy he has in the oldest episodes—but not necessarily for the worse.

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I felt like this once, when he did the episode on The Legend of Kyrandia but in hindsight, I was just bummed out he announced co-writers and shorter episodes. I have rewatched it since and think the episode is just fine. I was just overly critical of minor details back then.

I highly doubt that he lost his passion. I could see him being overworked since 1. he has not put out videos for a long time but them does 3 almost 1 hour long videos at once.

Although I do have one criticism towards the Game Dungeon. I know it is not necessarily in his hands since a game he thought would be good could turn out bad but I do think that he should cover something good again that he is passionate about. I mean, those weird and obscure game like Arms and Delirious or these insane games like The Chosen are very entertaining and he made really fantastic episodes about them. However, he did cover some great games in between too and I think those are refreshing. Not only for him but also for us, since the style of video will be different for good games.

In the end, I am sure that Ross will make some fantastic episodes in the future and he will probably make the right call in choosing his games.

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Yeah, I must agree, although I think it's because the games he talked about recently just werent that obscure. Sonic, on the other hand, even if not obscure at face value, was obscure enough with its gameplay mechanics to end up in a great, imo, episode.


I didn't like Daemonica though, but that's because I honestly couldn't follow the game's plot very well - Ross's summaries of the plotpoints were a little incoherent to me and the whole game is just a mess.

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Well, for me the best episodes are the ones that cover obscure or unique games. Dementia, Messiah, Phantasmagoria 2, Veil of Darkness, Realms of the Haunting, Requital, and so on, and so on. There are some exceptions, but those exceptions still have something kinda obscure in them, like with A New Beginning, which at least has an interesting enough plot (and a protagonist).


And just look at what Ross covers in his Game Dungeon the most - it's mostly some weird and/or old games. I don't think I'm mistaken by calling Game Dungeon the "obscure games panel" :P I literally watch his videos to see some weird shit, with a few exceptions -honestly I didn't think the Sonic episode would be as enjoyable as it was, but Ross found enough weird shit in it to make it interesting.


Also, Game Dungeon's intro alone just gives those "you're gonna see some weird shit, folks" vibes :P

Edited by cellargoat (see edit history)

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Hmm, I guess I didn't know the meaning behind the word "obscure" xD I always thought it means something similar to "weird". Now that I looked it up I see I was mistaken. So I take back what I said - by "obscure" I really meant weird, strange, uncanny, etc. (Although Ross does cover a lot of obscure games as well.)

Edited by cellargoat (see edit history)

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