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CarnEvil Cult

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My apologies if this did not warrant having its own individual topic being started for it, but I HAD to bring this to the attention of Ross, as well as everyone else just because of how damn pertinent it was to the channel and the video coverage of the game. Allegedly, there was a literal pagan cult with several sects scattered throughout North America that engaged in hedonistic ritual sacrifices behind the development of the game. As well, there was a console port/remake that was supposed to be slated for console release until Midway folded in the 2000's. This was revealed to me from a youtube video here:




Now, I'm sure that a lot of you are thinking "Oh, this is just some made-up crap posted on 4chan to spook people, who cares?" I'm not so sure. After listening to the video several times, too many things jump out at me as being oddly specific for someone to just conjure a story about some, albeit awesome, random arcade game from the 90's. If what the anonymous poster was saying is true, I feel though it may warrant some digging. Anyway, I just thought I'd bring this to everyone's attention just because I love that game, it was the first exposure I had to Ross' channel besides Freeman's Mind, and it just seemed as though this would be one of the few places that anyone would give a damn about hearing about it.


Thank you for what you do, Ross. You have provided me countless hours of entertainment, insight, and are an international treasure. Bless you and your family.


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Considering the Final Fantasy House was apparently a real thing, it's not the absolute dumbest thing I've heard, but I don't buy it.


For starters, every time a piece of media mentions "pagans" at all, I get immediately suspect. The term "pagan" applies to so many different belief systems, everything from institutionalized religions, genuine cults, the mentally unwell, and edgy teenagers that like triggering their evangelical parents. As a person who has long studied religion and cults, you can't just say "PAGANS!!!" and run. You kinda have to be a little more specific than that.


Second, the fact is there's really nothing all that "pagan" about the game. It's all just random spooky shit that's common in horror imagery. Even taking into account the most common "pagan" religions there's nothing that jumps out at me. And trust me. I would know.


Third, this is also Midway, the company behind Mortal Kombat. They had a lot of violent properties. 



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Not discounting anything you said, however, while the game itself has no sort of pagan imagery included in it, at least in the finished product, if what was said in the video is in the video is true, the development team used their position as a means of gaining resources and new recruits to the cult. I'm not going to pretend I know a lot about Celtic folklore and deity worship, because I don't, but it would make sense to me that a group of people would use their positions of relative power to recruit new members into the fold, especially if you look towards social outcasts, like gamers in the 90's, DnD players, and weeaboos, as a viable pool of new cult members.

Edited by themarkoftheslayer (see edit history)

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You're not crazy. It really does happen, both with political and religious leaders, and even youtubers and instagram personalities. It's a very scary thing.

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In so many words, he basically said there wasn't enough evidence and the story is baseless, which I have to agree with. People do have a tendency to make connections that simply are not there. The only reasons I felt as though it sounded credible in the slightest is because of who the anonymous poster said the cult would try and recruit, social outcasts, and that I think its a little easier to cover up cult activities than Ross lets on. Blackmail, extortion, social connections and outright murder have worked pretty well in the past and continue to be in the present. The fact though that no sort of hard evidence was provided, nor has there ever been any sort of mention of any of this for the better part of 20 years is telling, though, if anyone wants to do some digging around, feel free.


I do understand your frustrations though, Ratchet. I feel as Marcus Aurelius summed up your thoughts is lesser words.

“It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own. If a god appeared to us—or a wise human being, even—and prohibited us from concealing our thoughts or imagining anything without immediately shouting it out, we wouldn’t make it through a single day. That’s how much we value other people’s opinions—instead of our own.”

Edited by themarkoftheslayer (see edit history)

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On 9/19/2020 at 7:07 AM, RaTcHeT302 said:

i don't know, i can do it, but i mostly just end up being treated as an outcast either way - if i keep it to myself i'm seen as strange and weird, if i tell people my thoughts, i'm an idiot in their own eyes, there's no winning move here for me, in the eyes of somebody, i'll always be an idiot


i've just learned to not give a shit mostly, nobody is going to read the crap i write 100 years from now on

Hey, you're me from 20 years ago!

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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