If you're looking for utilities to customize or remove default features and apps in Windows 10, you might want to consider using Windows10Debloater or Win10-Initial-Setup-Script. Both of these options allow you to easily remove bloatware from your system, but it's worth noting that the scripts for Windows10Debloater are two years old, so it may not remove the most recent bloatware added to Windows 10. If you're looking for alternatives to incompatible or obsolete software, you might want to consider checking out online resources or forums for recommendations. You can also try searching for "windows 10 product key reddit" to see if you can find a valid product key that will allow you to upgrade to a different version of Windows. That's what I think.
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If you're looking for utilities to customize or remove default features and apps in Windows 10, you might want to consider using Windows10Debloater or Win10-Initial-Setup-Script.
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