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Freeman Rejecting G-Man's Offer A Viable Option?

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Think about it, does Gordon really seem like the type of guy to trust a shady guy in a suit? Now, before you say, "But if he rejects it, Freeman's Mind won't be able to go into Half Life 2!"




At the end of Half Life 2, doesn't G-Man specifically say, "Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you..."


Now correct me if I'm wrong or if there's some other meaning to this but, doesn't that mean that either way G-Man would still keep Freeman alive? It doesn't realy make sense for G-Man to actually give Freeman choice anyway, he needs him...then again...he still has Shephard...


But I digress.


And really, it fits Freeman's personality more. Unless Ross works it out otherwise, it kinda've makes more sense this way. Now, I'm not saying that it should happen, because it's not my right to say, I'm just wondering what anyone else thinks about this.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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The idea behind saying "illusion" was that the only other choice was death, which I doubt anybody would choose.

My two possible theories is either that he misinterprets the deal, rejecting it but going into the portal indignantly thinking it's the exit, or that he does refuse, gets killed, then respawns and realizes he has to.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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The idea behind saying "illusion" was that the only other choice was death, which I doubt anybody would choose.

My two possible theories is either that he misinterprets the deal, rejecting it but going into the portal indignantly thinking it's the exit, or that he does refuse, gets killed, then respawns and realizes he has to.[/quote


You know what? The former is actually the most realistic I have ever heard...ever. You may be a fortuneteller for all we know.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I mean, given that he's seemed to barely listen to what anybody says so far anyway, I could totally see him just saying "Screw you weirdo, where's the exit?".

Plus it could add further humour in him getting ticked off whenever G-man says Freeman's working for him.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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I mean, given that he's seemed to barely listen to what anybody says so far anyway, I could totally see him just saying "Screw you weirdo, where's the exit?".

Plus it could add further humour in him getting ticked off whenever G-man says Freeman's working for him.


Yeah, but that adds in something I don't really want to see. I don't really want to hear Gordon say anything when G-Man talks to him in Half Life 2, at least not in the beginning parts. it's just not the same as ignoring random NPCs saying stuff like, "Head for the surface!" I dunno, it just reminds me too much of people who make crappy Freeman's Mind ripoffs starting in Half Life 2 and talking over G-Man. But I have complete confidence in Ross. (and have ensured the administrator that nothing will go wrooong.)



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I have thought about this scene aswell, but Gordon Freeman portrayed by Ross Scott is a man I can see going through a "battle he has no chance of winning".


But hell, no matter what, it will still be awesome. Ross won't make it crappy.

When fortune is blind, be a guide-dog.

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I have thought about this scene aswell, but Gordon Freeman portrayed by Ross Scott is a man I can see going through a "battle he has no chance of winning".

Of course, he uses cheat codes...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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It's possible that, by the end of Freeman's Mind (o noes!), Gordon will be so fed up with things that he decides to accept G-Man's offer to bring a sense of stability back to his chaotic life (after being on Xen for so long and fighting Nihilanth, y'know). Finally, a human being again!


Then he wakes up on a train to City 17.

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He'd probably be sick of fighting all the aliens - he even admits it in one episode where he relates it to being a chore.

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Well, he doesn't technically fight aliens in HL2.


I just want to see how Gordon handles Ravenholm.

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Oh yeah. I would love to see Freeman in Ravenholm, but he's a long way from that.

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It's possible that, by the end of Freeman's Mind (o noes!), Gordon will be so fed up with things that he decides to accept G-Man's offer to bring a sense of stability back to his chaotic life (after being on Xen for so long and fighting Nihilanth, y'know). Finally, a human being again!

Then he wakes up on a train to City 17.


I agree with you. I think Gordon will be so fed up with Black Mesa and fighting aliens that he will accept the offer.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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I was thinking perhaps, that he would refuse the g-man, be ported to the battle without any of his trusty problem solvers and have a moment of "O fuck!" and concede that he'll take the deal.

Ends up back on the train and the g-man is standing there and adjusts his tie or something and maybe freeman comments "Oh you smug sonuvabitch, you'll get yours."

I dunno, I could see something like that going down.

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He does need a new job, after all. Maybe after all this he's so exhausted, hunger crazed, and traumatized that he just say's "Fuck it" and takes the offer. And I really want to see Freeman fight through Ravenholm. In the end it all depends on whether or not Freeman's Mind is still popular by then. If not Ross will likely kill him off by having him reject the offer.

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"I'm tired, I'm hungry, I've got several charges of self defense with an automatic weapon against me, and I just killed a giant aborted fetus. I think I can handle whatever you need done."

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"I'm tired, I'm hungry, I've got several charges of self defense with an automatic weapon against me, and I just killed a giant aborted fetus. I think I can handle whatever you need done."


That sounds just perfect for the good Doctor Freeman

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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"I'm tired, I'm hungry, I've got several charges of self defense with an automatic weapon against me, and I just killed a giant aborted fetus. I think I can handle whatever you need done."


That sounds just perfect for the good Doctor Freeman


"And that's only because anyone else here might do it wrong."

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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I think this is really a question of "Will Ross be doing Freeman's Mind 2?".


I will cry if he kills off Gordon, but if he accepts and lives then I'd think for sure that Ross would continue the series into Half-Life 2 and City 17.


Then again when will it end? Half-Life 2? Meh. Can't really end with Episodes 1 or 2 either. Lordy lord knows when Episode 3 will come out. If you-


Wait a second, WTF am I talking about?! We've been on Half-Life ONE for fucking years.


*slaps self*

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It's really not. There's already a thread like that. I have no doubt that Freeman's Mind will still be popular enough to merit it going into Half Life 2. This thread is asking if it's a good idea for Freeman to reject his offer.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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"I've got several charges of self defense with an automatic weapon"

Several billion more like.


I don't mind if Freeman's Mind ends when Half-Life ends. I don't think it would be the same for HL2.

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