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Insane Value Bundle on Itch.io

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I didn't see any threads about this, but if I missed one, feel free to delete this, mods.


If you watch Ross, especially his rants or Game Dungeon videos, you probably like value. There is a bundle on Itch.io right now with over 1000 files of various types for $5. The $5 goes towards the NAACP and various bail funds for the protests going on in the US right now, so if that turns you off... *shrug* don't get it I guess? But otherwise, to anyone who has $5 and likes video games, this is an incredible deal.


Now, it's 1000 files, not all of which are video games. Some are asset packs, zines, tabletop roleplaying games, and plugins/utility software. But the majority of those things *are* video games, and while a lot of them are terrible passion projects and freeware that barely qualifies as a "game", a bunch of them are well-known indie games like Heavy Bullets, Celeste, and Night in the Woods.


I haven't really seen anyone talking about this on twitter or elsewhere, so I felt like signal boosting it here was a good idea to let people know about the value.


At time of writing, the bundle is available for 4 days.


Link: https://itch.io/b/520/bundle-for-racial-justice-and-equality

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Ross mentioned it on his Twitter:


He also mentioned livestreaming himself going through all the games to see whether they are worthwhile or not.

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