On 10/10/2020 at 9:20 AM, RaTcHeT302 said:the what?
There are definitely more people on Hulu/Netflix than Curiosity Stream or BitTorrent, and more people playing on mobile/console than a PC. Just pointing out that this is a problem that permeates beyond the PC desktop. Bear in mind, the fact that we're even talking about this puts in in a scant number compared with the majority of people that take issue.
On 10/10/2020 at 9:20 AM, RaTcHeT302 said:idk most of the stuff u are interested in borderlines on pointless gimmicks for me
Can you extrapolate please? I can see that with my eventual end goal of trying to have a Batcave setup that's interfaced with magical gloves, but an AR tracked keyboard with the overlay changing depending on context seems like a straight upgrade to me. I can see that with modern headsets since they're still somewhat bulky and even the original Vive doesn't have enough resolution to properly handle all that small text without a screen door effect, but I'm looking towards the future, free of the shackles of modern design methods and where technology can meet the demand. I'd really like to know where I'm losing you.
I can agree that Steam's new UI is shit compared to the old design where near every option was within view, but to my knowledge they allow relatively painless skin replacements, which still makes this an issue, but not as bad as completely taking away the ability to modify as you please. Although that's a whole different can of worms when you start to go into individual programs. As it stands right now, I'm only interested in the desktop/shell, since that's the thing you're going to interact with, no matter what your needs are.
On 10/10/2020 at 9:20 AM, RaTcHeT302 said:also why 360 degree UIs?
I'm not advocating for 360° UIs necessarily, merely a 360° workspace for individual programs.
If you're like me, then 2 monitors is a MINIMUM for regular work/browsing. Aside from how expensive that can be, you're usually only running one program per monitor. This can be easily substituted by the purchase of just one headset, and having as much real estate as you desire for spreading out all of your programs and files in virtual windows the size of monitors, so you still have all that information at the ready.