I really don't know how well received this'll be, but I LOVE how Ross gives games unique awards at the end of each episode. So much so in fact that I've started giving this type of award to every game I play. I'll start first, but i'd love to see some of the awards you guys could come up with!
CONTORL (Remedy Entertainment, 2019)
1. House of Leaves: The worldpsace this game takes place in is one of the closes representation of non-eucledean geometry I've seen. If aliens ever build a house on earth, it'll look like this.
2. Hottest Creepy Super Model: This game expertly walks the line between total chaos and autistic order, and this dichotomy is found in every aspect of it, whether it be characters, story, or art design.
3. REDACTED: Seriously, it's redacted.