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MSN or ICQ (Usage)

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15 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose one.

    • Location: USA, I use ICQ
    • Location: USA, I use MSN
    • Location: Europe, I use ICQ
    • Location: Europe, I use MSN
    • Location: Canada, I use ICQ
    • Location: Canada, I use MSN
    • Location: Other, I use ICQ
    • Location: Other, I use MSN
    • I use both.
    • I use other (Skype for example) or rare/no usage of these.

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This is for my philosophical studies really, please vote for one option.


Also you can discuss.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I use both of them daily, so I can not really vote in this poll.

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I use both of them daily, so I can not really vote in this poll.

No ***** way I forgot one option , vote other, I will have to change my statistics.


EDIT: Thanks for the suggestion Bjossi! Didn't know that.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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You can change your polls in this forum, it will just force people to vote again who already voted.

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I never used ICQ. I used to use MSN a long time ago, but stopped because the messenger is an eyesore and i don't like Microsoft/LIVE. Now i only use skype.


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MSN and Skype. Windows Live took over most of the internet so I'm pretty much forced to use MSN.

Could Windows Live be the new Apple?

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I don't use IM programs. I use IRC if I want real-time text-based chatting.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I never used ICQ. I used to use MSN a long time ago, but stopped because the messenger is an eyesore and i don't like Microsoft/LIVE. Now i only use skype.


Never mind MSN/WLM/whatever the hell it is called now, ICQ versions 6 and above are easily the worst pieces of software I have had the displeasure of installing on my system. I'm so glad I found Miranda IM; a free, open-source, competently engineered multi-protocol messenger. ICQ, MSN, IRC, etc. all in one program that can be skinned and customized to hell and back, and on average uses less than 10 MBs of memory for that matter. And wait, there's more! Miranda IM does not install any registry keys at all, and you can control where it stores personal data, unlike most commercial software that treats the file system like a garbage bin and throws data randomly all over the place. Miranda IM is tidy, basically.


TL;DR? Miranda IM is awesome. Check it out.


The protocols themselves aren't so bad, but the default clients for them are garbage more often than not.


By the way, it would have been interesting to split Europe into two groups; eastern Europe and rest of Europe, because I believe eastern Europeans are ICQ nuts in general.

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I didn't have enough poll options, Bjossi, but yes that's one theory I'm testing out, because I'm from Ukraine (where everybody uses ICQ)


Generally I've noticed the modding community uses ICQ and Ukraine is a gamer nation (Voted the most competitive gaming nation this year after Swedens decade of glory)


Now, anyone I talk to who is from USA doesn't even know what ICQ is??? I was completely puzzled by that, so I made this poll to see what the truth is.


I also checked, icq is owned by Russia currently so maybe that could be one reason with the Eastern Europeans.


I also have to agree with Bjossi that Icq 6 and after became shit, that's why I use the old version of it but when I tried MSN it was always taking the memory and crashing continuously with bugs for me and friends.


EDIT: I can already see my future with Miranda


By the way if more than 30 people vote I will explain my statistics.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I haven't even heard of ICQ, I have used both MSN and Skype in the past but now I don't find much use for them

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