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Enjoy the 2nd half of the Halloween episodes!  This one is age restricted for pretty much every reason you can think of, there was no avoiding it.  This turned into the longest RGD episode I've made, but I feel like few games are as worthy of the show as this one and is one I wanted to cover ever since I started the series.  Feel free to spread the link to it, since because of the age restriction, it's inevitable it won't get as much traffic as a normal Youtube video, so I'll have to rely on word of mouth more.  I almost didn't make it in time, again!  Have a happy Halloween!

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When I saw the game title I had to watch this.

"I don't trust a man that doesn't have something strange going on about him, cause that means he's hiding it from you. If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his words backwards from time to time, you know it's all laid out there for you. But if he's friendly to strangers and keeps his home spick-and-span, more often than not he's done something even his own ma couldn't forgive." -No-bark Noonan

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I think I am going to overdose on Ross tonight...

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Haven't watched this yet. Why is John Carmack on the thumbnail. 

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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5 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

well the last ten fucking minutes turned out to be a roller fucking coaster of emotions jesus christ


what the fuck just happened near the end??? IT TURNED FROM THE SCARIEST FUCKING HORROR GAME INTO... i don't know what the fuck i just watched, BUT IT WAS SOME SHIT


i'm so fucking confused, i'm fucking scared, i'm fucking disturbed, I'M EVERYTHING AND NOTHING ALL AT ONCE






anyway i totally feel like i've lost some of my sanity, so i guess it worked on me


I think it was the 4/4 adult version of being banished to the shadow realm. 



"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Holy crap man, YEARS ago I watched a guy named Spoony play through this entire game, and watching your Game Dungeon on it just brings back a lot of memories of it. I might go ahead and watch his entire playthrough again after this. It's funny how Trevor is treated differently - you see him as annoying, but in Spoony's playthrough he was pretty much everyone's favorite character. In fact, 


prior to Trevor's death, Spoony - and by extension the audience - was rooting for the bad guys to win. Then it suddenly became personal when he died, hahaha.

Excellent episode overall. I look forward to the follow up episode sometime after the Christmas episode!

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While I do appreciate that this may seem "extreme" to some people, I was just left wondering why anyone would be freaked out to that extent... I'm also left wondering why he ever went for the bondage chick...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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1 hour ago, BTGBullseye said:

While I do appreciate that this may seem "extreme" to some people, I was just left wondering why anyone would be freaked out to that extent...

I know, right?!

After giving it some thought, I came to a conclusion that people like you and me might just be kinda jaded, and *normal* people just have a lower "intensity bar".

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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47 minutes ago, ScumCoder said:

I know, right?!

After giving it some thought, I came to a conclusion that people like you and me might just be kinda jaded, and *normal* people just have a lower "intensity bar".

I guess so... Somewhat sad though, both for us, and for them.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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6 hours ago, ScumCoder said:

I know, right?!

After giving it some thought, I came to a conclusion that people like you and me might just be kinda jaded, and *normal* people just have a lower "intensity bar".


5 hours ago, BTGBullseye said:

I guess so... Somewhat sad though, both for us, and for them.

I can join your hipster enclave?

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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I fucking knew that it was going to be one of the Phantasmagorias! On one of few Halloweens where I can't go out this made day! 

     If I had known how deeply brilliant this plot actually is I would have bought this when it came out. For those who this isn't obvious: Curtis clearly suffers from a borderline-personality and ptsd. This explains the dissociation (feeling that he's alien, in an alien world, blacking out, and having a split personality), delusions, self depreciation along with severe self loathing, risk taking behavior and his chemical dependency(alcohol). Most of those "chemicals" that Ross mentioned are anti-depressants and pain killers except Fluconazole. Interestingly Flucanazole is normally prescribed for vaginal yeast infections and when combined with amitriptyline it can cause suicidal thoughts and actions. I suspect that this may have been the real reason his mother committed suicide. I also suspect that the entire plot may have actually been some sort of immersive therapy or Curtis simply working out his shit. Anyways, thanks Ross for the great vid and I am definitely going to play this now.

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In case anyone is curious about the ratings, here's what the levels are supposed to mean. It's a toss up whether they even followed their own guidelines or not, depending on what they mean by "explicit". That's always been a confusing term to me. Does it mean showing things that could only be acted out with real humans if real penetration was going on? That's what "explicit" means to me. Anything they could fake with strategic camera angles would by definition have to be implied. Meanwhile, their highest rating for violence requires "torture", which... I'm pretty sure some of the scenes in this game qualify.


Though it's good to know that by these standards, Grand Theft Auto V would have been given the highest possible rating for violence, no question. I always felt that torture scene should have been an instant AO. The ESRB is the industry's bitch.

24 minutes ago, xawesomecorex said:

I also suspect that the entire plot may have actually been some sort of immersive therapy or Curtis simply working out his shit.

I dunno, once we get into "literally everything that happened was all in a character's head" territory, it becomes a question of whether that's any less real than it already is by virtue of being a work of fiction. I have the same problem with stuff like the ending to St. Elsewhere.

Edited by Steve the Pocket (see edit history)

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1 hour ago, Steve the Pocket said:

I dunno, once we get into "literally everything that happened was all in a character's head" territory, it becomes a question of whether that's any less real than it already is by virtue of being a work of fiction. I have the same problem with stuff like the ending to St. Elsewhere.


I see where you're coming from but I don't actually have that problem as long as it has the right context. So for plots, like Phantasmagoria 2, Slaugterhouse 5, Perfect Blue, which are about mental illness turning out to be all inside the protagonist's head is perfectly fine by me. Whereas, with stories like St. Elsewhere, Dallas., FFX ect., where that kind of plot element just appears out of nowhere without any real context or reason I find it to be kind of a cop out and really a sign of bad writing.

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10 hours ago, Im_CIA said:

I can join your hipster enclave?

We're always open to new members. Grab a jacket, the meeting starts in 10 minutes.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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51 minutes ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

wait what happens when you run out of jackets

Then we get some more from the donation pile... Did you think they just appeared out of nowhere?

52 minutes ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

do the jackets keep you alive? is the jacket your life force? if i take that jacket off will you die?


53 minutes ago, RaTcHeT302 said:


Definitely. Is that a problem?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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It was a great video, thanks for that!
Well I thank my lucky stars that I've never played this as a kid, it would have really fucked me up. Now as an adult, other for the gore scenes, It's not that scary (and other than the intentional jump scares(like with the monster on the computer screen)). I can't say I share Ross's usual enthusiasm to point and click adventures with this one (which I usually do), seems like a really short game bloated into 7 discs by over complicating the scenes with the movies and cheap hard-softcore scenes (not to mention that entire first workday routine of back and forth).

The whole alien world scene felt really out of place and really barren, the aliens just have the portal standing there active without any guards on it?

What was the point in killing the psychiatrist and the guard?

Also did I miss it or did Ross really not show us what was on the other side of that midget door behind the boxes?

Edited by kerdios (see edit history)

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I just checked the video on Youtube, and lo and behold, it is subtitled! Glad I didn't just start working on subs, only to find out many hours later that the job is already done.


I did my best to find who the author is, but I don't seem to be able to do it. Please show thyself, our hero!

Ross's Game Dungeon - Phantasmagoria 2-YTuB5Bgc4I0.en.vtt.zip

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Of all the games that Ross would cover, I wasn't expecting this one. I must say that I gone down in a memory lane thanks to this episode. I didn't played it, but I watched Spoony's Let's Play of it.


I decided to do a quick research (and by that, I mean checking Wikipedia) and I can say that you are not alone on thinking that the sex and gore in this game is too tame for the rating, because that was one of the criticisms even back them. Also, there was plans for a third Phantasmagoria, but since this one was a flop, the sequel never came to be.


But I must admit, I think Dimension X is the lamest name for a alien dimension ever. I know that coming up with names is hard, that's a problem that I face in every game that allows me to name my character/town/rebel-faction/whatever, but come on...

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