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Valve e3 prediction

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Here is something a mate of mine predicted, I think its pretty accurate.


Gabe descends onto the stage in a black latex suit from a crane

Lights go out

Whispers and hushes in the crowed

Gabe says "We have a surprise for you... It involves a familiar friend"

Gman's voice says "Mr Freeman... It really has been too long"

Drums start to play faster and faster with flashing lights

A large 3 appears on the screen

Everyone goes wild with anticipation

Gabe shouts "ARE YOU READY E3!?!?"

Everyone screams in excitment


"Three new half-life themed hats for TF2"




Valve is shut down the next day.

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Here is something a mate of mine predicted, I think its pretty accurate.


Gabe descends onto the stage in a black latex suit from a crane

Lights go out

Whispers and hushes in the crowed

Gabe says "We have a surprise for you... It involves a familiar friend"

Gman's voice says "Mr Freeman... It really has been too long"

Drums start to play faster and faster with flashing lights

A large 3 appears on the screen

Everyone goes wild with anticipation

Gabe shouts "ARE YOU READY E3!?!?"

Everyone screams in excitment


"Three new half-life themed hats for TF2"




Valve is burned down the next day.



''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Dammit! - it's all I have to say...

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Oh wow. But that's the sort of thing you would expect from Valve though.

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You know what is sad? Valve could actually pull something like in the OP off, they already have announced several surprises in the past but not one of them was about Half-Life. There probably will be fires and pitchforks if they let this year slide without any news.

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Well, before Valve burns down I will steal the cake from them.... and find out who g-man is.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Yep, HL3 if Gaben can be trusted (he can't).


The concept art that was released said hl2:ep3 did it not? just because their moving away from episodic development doesn't mean their games can't be titled as episodes you know.

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Episode 2 was released in 2007 and episode 1 in 2006 after roughly a year in development. Can you explain to me why ep 3 is taking four times longer to make? The answer seems simple to me.

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Episode 2 was released in 2007 and episode 1 in 2006 after roughly a year in development. Can you explain to me why ep 3 is taking four times longer to make? The answer seems simple to me.



It was obvious, wasnt it?

The future of gaming lies in realistic simulations of extraordinary realities


"I am drunk, you dont have an excuse"

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Episode 2 was released in 2007 and episode 1 in 2006 after roughly a year in development. Can you explain to me why ep 3 is taking four times longer to make? The answer seems simple to me.


Team Fortress hats ?

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Episode 2 was released in 2007 and episode 1 in 2006 after roughly a year in development. Can you explain to me why ep 3 is taking four times longer to make? The answer seems simple to me.


Because their making a full game out of it? just because their making a full game doesn't mean they have to change the name hl3 from hl2:ep3, more so because the story-arc of HL2 is not complete.

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We may never truly know. I do expect though that it (HL3 or Episode 3) will be a decent game when it is eventually released.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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