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Ross's Big Game List

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In subtitle line #21 I'm pretty sure Ross says: "information AND the videos". At least it makes more sense.
Then there's a word mising right after in #22: "I STILL don't understand ".
And in # 195 there's an "I" missing: "figure it out and I explain some of the oddities".

Also, I'm not very familiar with the web sites that sell games, so when Ross says about GOG and Steam and having or not having the possibility of KEEPING the game, what exactly does this mean?

And I also send you a private letter about a month or so ago, I'd appreciate your help with that issue as well.

Ross's videos featuring Russian & Ukrainian subtitles - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovZbPyDLJnrSsm489fv9-A/playlists?disable_polymer=1

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