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Well I've gotten some good responses about the coder position, so I think we'll be seeing some progress in the future. Problem #2 is still going to be a little bit daunting however, so if you think you can help with that, please contact me.


Progress is going well on the next episode. This one won't have much action (don't worry, that won't be a new trend), though it should be more of a treat visually. This one will involve a lot of different maps, many of which I'm taking from existing custom-made maps online and will be crediting the various authors. Right now the ETA on this is under 3 weeks. It would be sooner, but I'm still juggling the last half of Noesis with this.  As always, once that's over, then things are really going to start moving.

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sounds great ross, keep the good work, and just take the matter of time to finish it off.

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Alrighty... just take your time and do it right =).

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Sounds like a plan man! Keep up the good work Ross!

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i've already given up on CP, but i'll check back in a month, or so... maybe you'll up some new eps

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now..... im still a bit confused, the noesis tutorial is a video right? is it with random characters, like in galaxy gulp? im just anxiouz to find out. =/

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What about freeman's mind??

Any updates on that??

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Uh. Sorry to bother you, but I can't seem to get any of the download links to work on Machinima.com. I don't suppose this is just me?

I've tried the What is Machinima? and Freeman's episodes 2 + 3 specifically. Can anybody help?

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to karanjhala guy:

Yes, the Noesis Tutorial is, as the title suggests, a tutorial which will guide one through the making of Galaxy Gulp which uses the models Noesis Interactive made. Some of Noesis's previous tutorials are on sale on the VALVe website as they are fluent at Source Coding and Modeling.

to indigoember:

If the Machinima.com links do not work, try searching for them on FileFront. Some viewers upload them on these sites.

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Hey, when do you think you'll do anymore of the Freeman's Mind episodes, or are you not going to do anymore?

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indigoember: Machinima.com has some craziness with the hosting they're trying to work out. They're supposed to get it working again, but if they don't, I'll be sure to get some mirrors up when I get the new website working.

christin: it's probably going to stay on hold until I finish Noesis and the Halloween CP episode, then I expect a BIG increase in frequency. Unfortunately it could be as late as November before you'll start seeing it again, but I'd say you can expect 4 - 6 new ones before the end of the year.

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Don't worry; you seem to have a patient breed of fans.
Anyway, as for Freeman's Mind, I can('t?) wait to see what he's going to say when he's forced into killing something for the first time without verbally talking himself up.
And CP, I've enjoyed that from the word go.

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I love freemans mind and CP. you are an expert at them ross.now is there a link to get the nesis tutorials, and i thoght the tutorials were going to machinima.com?

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So did the FIRST part of the tutorials come out yet or not?

IF yes, please,PLEASE, give a link.

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hey good news, looking forward to it, if you do ever figure out an answer to problem #2 I'd be dying to hear how! speaking of which, do you know how in GMOD (specifically as one example) npcs are constantly looking around at other entities in the playing field. I heard from someone that there's a way to tone that down if not eliminate it. ever come across any idea on that?

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CallerIQ223: No, it's going to be released from Noesis on DVD, there's too much content to cover to put it online, plus this is what I was contracted for.

latest anonymous dude: Well I'M done with one of them (still finishing the 2nd), I actually expected the first one to be out by now, I'm not sure what the holdup is.

Xanatos: Well I don't use GMOD, so I can't say how you would do it in-game, but you can do it in Faceposer by telling them to look at !self in your scene file. I think I cover that in the tutorial I'll be releasing actually. And yeah, I'm not holding my breath on #2, it sounds like it's a pretty tall order from what I've been told.

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I can't stop watching first eps of CP. That funny as hell. Can't wait for eps 6 to come out. I'm looking forward to watching it and adding to anime6.org/m6


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